Malcolm X

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Authors: Clayborne Carson
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Muhammadwas, even though Wallace showed pictures of Wilkins conversing with Malcolm X.
    For the first time, the FBI includes speculations that Malcolm might want to succeed Elijah. Reporting on speeches in Chicago and Los Angeles, the FBI’s informant suggests that older members were “somewhat resentful” of Malcolm’s “extremely violent teachings and statements.” Another informant explains that Malcolm desires a separate nation for the NOI within the United States, possibly California, where the NOI might buy land.

DIRECTOR, FBI (100-399321)
DATE: 7/2/58
SAC, NEW YORK (105-8999)
    ReBulet 5/20/58, which states that in view of LITTLE’s increasing activities in the affairs of the NOI on a national level, the Bureau desires that the NYO consider him for designation as a key figure.
    The NYO after due consideration believes that LITTLE should be designated a key figure in view of his extensive activity as Minister of Temple No. 7, 102 West 116th Street, New York City.
    It is noted that Temple No. 7 has approximately three to four hundred members and that in his capacity as minister, LITTLE is the leader of Temple No. 7.
    In addition, LITTLE travels to various temples throughoutthe United States and at meetings of these temples has made numerous speeches which are violent in nature wherein he attacks the United States and the white race.
    UACB, the NYO is designating LITTLE a key figure and is placing this case in a pending inactive status.
    The NYO will continue to follow LITTLE‘s activities and will submit a report within six months from the date of reBulet.

SAC, New York (105-8999)
July 15, 1958
Director, FBI (100-399321)
    Reurlet 7/2/58.
    The Bureau agrees with your designation of Little as a key figure. You will be furnished up-to-date Security Index cards on him separately.
    Inasmuch as Little has been designated a key figure, you should obtain and forward to the Bureau a current photograph of him as well as suitable handwriting specimens.
    You should carefully review that part of Section 87D of the Manual of Instructions relating to key figures.

    Reporting Office: New York
    Office of Origin: New York
    Date: 11/19/58
    Investigative Period: 10/1–3,9–24,28–31;11/3–5/58
    Report made by: [BUREAU DELETION]
    Title: MALCOLM K. LITTLE, was
    Character of case: Internal Security - NOI
    MALCOLM LITTLE is Minister of Temple No. 7 of the Nation of Islam (NOI) in New York City, and is considered one ofthe national leaders of the NOI. He travels extensively to various parts of the United States engaging in NOI work. [BUREAU DELETION] subject may aspire to replace ELIJAH MUHAMMAD as NOI leader. NOI activities, including meetings attended and pertinent portions of speeches made by subject, set forth. Subject resides at 25–46 99th Street, East Elmhurst, Queens, New York.
    At Chicago, Illinois
    Subject was observed by Special Agents of the FBI on May 20, 1958, in the company of ELIJAH MUHAMMAD in Chicago, Illinois.
    [BUREAU DELETION] that subject was present in Chicago at the funeral of MARIE MUHAMMAD, mother of ELIJAH MUHAMMAD, which was held May 21, 1958.
    [BUREAU DELETION] advised that on [BUREAU DELETION] subject was present at the University of Islam in Chicago.
    [BUREAU DELETION] that subject attended a meeting of the NOI on [BUREAU DELETION] at MUHAMMAD’s Temple No. 2, 5335 South Greenwood Avenue.
    At this meeting MALCOLM stated that the so-called Negro was looking and searching for a modern-day MOSES to lead them, and intimated that ELIJAH MUHAMMAD is this modern-day MOSES. Subject stated that under the flag of Islam the so-called Negroes would receive freedom, justice and equality. He stated that the Christian Bible had been written by the “Christian slavemaster” to keep the

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