Making the Rules (The Rules #1)

Making the Rules (The Rules #1) by Ali Parker Page B

Book: Making the Rules (The Rules #1) by Ali Parker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ali Parker
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her forearm as I let my eyes move across her in a way that she would know how beautiful I thought she was. Who the fuck told her differently.
    "What?" She gave me a tight expression as if protecting herself.
    "Eat the other half of this pizza and enjoy yourself. You're fucking hot and whoever told you that you weren't is a damn idiot."
    "Why would you think-?"
    "Did someone?" I shouldn't have pushed her. I was getting a little too comfortable and my guard was coming down. I almost felt sorry for her for having to deal with me.
    "Yes, but he was right." She set the pizza down and pushed the plate away. "I'm honestly full. Two beers was past my limit."
    "He wasn't right. I promise." I reached across the table and picked up her pizza. "You're going to make me eat all of this by myself and throw up later. I hate wasting food."
    She reached across the table and snatched it from me. "Give me that. You're such a pain when you're drunk."
    "I'm not drunk." I glanced up at the ceiling and laughed. "I feel good for the first time in weeks, but I'm not drunk. I'd be professing my undying love to you and every other woman in this place if I was wasted."
    "Oh no. A lovie type drunk, hmmm?" She took a big bite and closed her eyes, moaning softly.
    "Very much so." I licked the tips of my fingers and imagined her quivering beneath me. So perfect and soft. She might hate her curves, but I wanted to sink my fingers, my tongue, my dick into all of them.
    Fuck. I was diving off the deep end.
    "You okay?" She took another bite and dropped the crust on her plate.
    "Yep. I'm just a little too relaxed." I forced a laugh and got up. "You wanna go walk down to the park at the end of the street? It's a beautiful night outside."
    "Yeah, absolutely." She wiped her mouth, took a quick sip of her beer and took my hand.
    I led us through the restaurant, out into the street, before releasing her hand. She moved up beside me and smiled shyly.
    I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and pulled her into a side hug.
    "You, that's what. That day you saved me from Terri, the man-eater, I knew we would be friends." I moved us off the main path toward the grassy knoll where the park was.
    "That was like a few days ago." She laughed softly.
    "And? When you know, you just know." I released her and sat down in one of the two swings moving back and forth with the pressure of the wind.
    "I guess you're right." She sat down beside me and pushed off. Her dress fluttered up her thighs and gave me a quick glimpse of white panties before she yelped and slapped her hand over her legs. "Sorry."
    "Don't be." I pushed off and leaned back, feeling so fucking free for a few minutes. My sister was dying in a hospital, my best friend's life seemed ruined and mine was soon to follow, but for a few hours, I could just be carefree and let everything go. "Did you love him?"
    "Who?" Her hair flew behind her and caught my attention.
    "Cameron." I reached out and let it run past my fingers as she flew by me.
    "I don't know. I wanted to, but we're so different. He's reserved and quiet, picky and likes everything in order."
    "And you're messy?" I laughed as she slowed down and gave me a look.
    "No, but I like to live. My mother was fine with fingerprints in the dust on the furniture. It meant we were living instead of cleaning."
    "Very true. I like things put up, but I'm not anal about it, or I don't think I am." I pushed off harder. "So if he was reserved and quiet, are you outgoing and wild?"
    "I wish I could tell you. After two years of being told what I'm not, it's hard to say what I am." Her voice lost the joy it held only moments before. 
    I slowed down and reached out, latching on to one of the chains that held her swing in place. She jerked to a stop and I pulled her toward me, causing my legs to spread as her knees pressed to my groin.
    "I say you’re brave, empathetic, stunning and as wild as you wanna be."
    "You think I'm stunning?" She glanced down where her knees pressed

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