Mail Order Cowboy (Harlequin American Romance)

Mail Order Cowboy (Harlequin American Romance) by Pamela BAUER Page A

Book: Mail Order Cowboy (Harlequin American Romance) by Pamela BAUER Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pamela BAUER
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you had planned to come on the bus, but maybe for some reason you couldn’t take the bus and you ended up hitchhiking. Maybe you got as far as the interstate and had to walk the rest of the way with your suitcase. Spending hours in the sun dressed in heavy clothing could have brought on exhaustion.”
    Although he knew that wasn’t the case, he nodded all the same. “It’s important to me that I recollect how I came to be in your cornfield,” he told her. “Who was the first person to find me?”
    “That was Jeremy. I was waiting for you at the house in case you called. You were late, but then so was the bus.”
    “Perhaps then Jeremy can help me. It is possible that my memory could return if I were to visit the place where he found me. Do you think he could be persuaded to accompany me to that particular location?”
    “You mean the Nelson forty?”
    Wood nodded.
    “Jeremy’s in school until three, but as soon as he comes home I’ll have him take you there.”
    “I would appreciate that.” He reached out to give her hand a gentle squeeze. “You are a kind woman, Gabby Davis.”
    She leaned closer to him and looked him straight in the eye. “I want you to be honest with me, Wood. You’re not supposed to be in a psychiatric ward of some hospital right now, are you?”
    “No, I’m not crazy, Gabby. You believe that, don’t you?”
    “I do,” she said sincerely. “I wouldn’t have brought you here for Hannah if I thought you weren’t right, up here.” She tapped a bony finger to her forehead. “And I thank you for not telling Hannah that I was the one who wrote to you.”
    “Are you certain this is the best plan for your situation?”
    “Oh, yes,” she said anxiously. “Hannah needs a man. It all comes down to the same thing. M-o-n-e-y,” she spelled out.
    Suddenly Wood had an uneasy feeling. Was this Alfred person supposed to help these two women with their financial woes? If so, his web of deceit could end up trapping him but good. What money he had was locked up in a bank in Missouri—or at least it was in 1876.
    “I’m not a man of means, Gabby,” Wood confessed soberly.
    “I know that, Wood. I picked you because of who you are, not because of how much money you have.”
    Wood was afraid he had offended her. “Of course. I didn’t mean to offend your integrity.”
    She dismissed him with a wave of her hand. “All that matters is that you and Hannah hit it off. Isn’t that what’s important in situations like this?”
    “Yes, it is,” he agreed, unsure what hit it off meant.
    “First she needs to get used to having you around, then she’ll see for herself what a special man you are...” she trailed off with a dreamy look on her face. “I think you’re going to be just perfect for her.”
    Guilt punched Wood in the stomach. He had no intention of staying and becoming Hannah’s “perfect” hired hand. “I mean no disrespect, Gabby, but Hannah appears to be eager for me to leave.”
    “Oh, no, she’s not. She’s agreed to let you stay for a couple of days.”
    “She told you that?”
    “Oh, yes. And I’m hoping two days will lead to three and then four and so on and so on...” She gave him a shy expectant grin.
    Wood didn’t know how long he would need the Davises’ hospitality. Hopefully, the real Alfred Dumler wouldn’t make his presence known until Wood had traveled back to 1876.
    “And if she wants me to leave after the two days are up?” he queried.
    “That’s where it’s up to you to convince her to let you stay. Whether or not Hannah wants to admit it, she needs someone like you.”
    Wood was quite certain that Hannah wouldn’t agree, but he didn’t contradict the old lady. Right now Gabby Davis was his only ally.
    “No matter how long I stay, I want you to know that I’ll work for my keep.”
    “Until our plan works?”
    If that plan included a job, Wood couldn’t say no. “Yes, ma’am. What about Hannah? What do I do to convince her I can do the

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