Maid Service

Maid Service by Peter Birch Page B

Book: Maid Service by Peter Birch Read Free Book Online
Authors: Peter Birch
Tags: Erótica, spanking, Peter Birch
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to sodomize her as she was punished, his cock pumping in her rectum as her ass was slapped, before stuffing his engorged penis into her mouth to add a final, filthy detail to her humiliation.
    He wasn’t the only one to be overcome by Christine Arlington’s perfect beauty or her arrogant refusal to give in to the humiliation of taking a spanking. Beside him at the window Hunter Rackman cursed in ecstasy. Further along Gardiner groaned and fell back, clutching at Porky Jupp’s jacket as he lost his balance, to tumble onto the grass of the bank, his cock still pumping fluid. Porky swore as cum spattered his leg, swung one massive fist at Gardiner’s face even as Tinknell leapt onto his back, and battle commenced.
    Inside the pavilion Christine twisted around, her eyes locking directly with Peter’s and her mouth instantly coming wide in a scream of furious indignation quickly matched by the other girls as they realized they were being watched. Peter hurled himself backwards, yelling for his companions to get clear even as he stumbled and sat down heavily on the rough grass. Some obeyed but others ignored him, a few of the cruder souls even staying at the window to laugh at the panic stricken girls as they frantically tried to shield their private parts from lecherous, inquisitive eyes.
    Screams and shouts were ringing out on every side, with Jupp, Gardiner and Tinknell still fighting on the ground as Daniel and Hunter tried to haul the last of the others away from the windows. Peter had twisted his ankle but forced himself to his feet, taking hold of Porky’s collar and struggling to pull him away and break up the fight even as Christine appeared around the side of the pavilion. She hurled herself at him, swearing, spitting and scratching, so that he was forced to defend himself. Vicky arrived, hauling Christine off her feet. Peter staggered back, turned for the trees and ran, only for his ankle to give way and land him face first in the grass. He twisted over, his arms up to defend himself from the furious Christine, but she was being held clear off the ground by Vicky, with her legs kicking out so violently that she was unwittingly giving nearly as fine a display of her bare pussy as she had when she’d been over the knee. She made her feelings clear in no uncertain terms.
    â€œI’m going to kill you, you filthy beast! I’m going to kill you if it’s the last thing I do! You … you …”
    Her vocabulary appeared to be unequal to the task of expression her emotions, allowing Peter to speak as his sense of guilt got the better of him.
    â€œI’m sorry, but look, let’s not get caught, ok?”
    â€œThat’s exactly what I was thinking,” Vicky agreed. “Come on, Chrissie, you said I could spank you and I never said there wouldn’t be an audience.”
    Christine seemed unimpressed by Vicky’s logic, still babbling invective and struggling vigorously in her captor’s grip even as she was hauled back down the bank. All the boys were now gone, Porky Jupp and Oliver Tinknell still trading punches as they disappeared into the trees. Of the other girls, only Tiffany remained close. Peter went to her quickly, kissed her, bade her goodnight and retreated up the bank, turning as he reached the trees to find her already far across the playing fields. So were Vicky and Christine, close behind the others, including Katie, who still had her skirt pinned up, affording Peter a final view of bobbing girlish butt cheeks before he fled the scene.

Chapter Five
    â€œWe want girls,” Oliver Tinknell announced.
    He was not a pleasant sight, tall, bulky running to fat, and with a complexion the color and texture of suet save for where a gang of angry red pimples had erupted on each cheek. Gardiner stood beside him, smaller but no more prepossessing; with the squat, muscular Vernon Mawby further back by the door to Peter’s bedsit. The moment

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