Magi Saga 1: Epic Calling

Magi Saga 1: Epic Calling by Andrew Dobell Page B

Book: Magi Saga 1: Epic Calling by Andrew Dobell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrew Dobell
Tags: Science-Fiction, Speculative Fiction
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Sisters, and Amanda quickly found herself in a world of trouble.
    Later, Amanda found Alicia wouldn’t talk to her, but Amanda wouldn’t give up on her one friend, not now. She apologised to Alicia every time she got a chance, and in time, Alicia relented. She even said sorry to Amanda, as she now thought she had over reacted to things and didn’t mean for Amanda to get into so much trouble.
    It made Amanda smile to think back to these times, remembering her friend, and how they had perhaps become even closer as friends after this event. Recently her mind had been so preoccupied with Georgina that she had thought of little else, understandably so, but now that burden had been lifted somewhat, she could afford to daydream once more.
    It wasn’t far, perhaps a ten or fifteen minute walk through the trees at most, and sure enough, before long she saw the trees thinning and the clearing came into view. Although the trees provided plentiful shade, it was still warm and Amanda had begun to perspire a little bit. She wiped her forehead with the back of her arm as she approached the edge of the clearing, only to look up and see she wasn’t actually alone.
    Towards the centre of the clearing a little man stood amongst the grass he moved about in an odd way, with slow sweeping movements. Amanda blinked a little bit and stared out at the man, who had not yet seen her, and felt more than a little shocked that she would find someone here. She had come to see the clearing as her place, and she now felt like it had been violated somewhat, she felt a little confused and offended that someone else would have the gall to trespass. These thoughts only lasted for a moment though it being just as much his and anyone else’s clearing, as it was hers. She had no idea how long this person had been coming here anyway. He might have been visiting this place on and off for years for all she knew, which would certainly make it more his clearing then hers.
    For the moment, Amanda looked out over the grasses to get a better look at him and what he seemed to be doing.
    To Amanda, the man looked old, perhaps in his fifties or sixties, bald but with a small silvery white goatee beard and moustache. He looked far eastern in appearance, Amanda would guess Chinese maybe, he wore a loose fitting shirt and trousers that also had an oriental air to them. Upon closer inspection it also became self-evident that the man had been going through some kind of Tai Chi routine, or something similar to it anyway. His movements were slow and sure, and incredibly graceful, he moved with the fitness a man half his age might possess, and it became fascinating to watch.
    Amanda soon relaxed as she watched the gentleman’s movements, and felt the tension of the walk and of finding someone here in her secret place fall away from her. His steps were slow and purposeful as he crunched down into the golden grass, his hands and arms swept gracefully this way and that, in sweeping movements that looked like some kind of mystical dance full of obscure and esoteric meaning. She felt captivated, and before long Amanda had stepped out from the trees and perched herself on the edge of the tree stump she had first found here to watch.
    Amanda had first learnt how to defend herself from Howie back in New York before enrolling in a self-defence class she paid cash for once she had moved out of Howie’s. It had been at this class that she had first come across other forms of Martial Arts and self-defence. The teacher there had known a few forms of Martial Arts and had employed a few other teachers of other forms to come in and give the students other moves they could use. By stealing the best bits from different forms of Martial Arts, so the theory went, it gave the student a more flexible base from which to draw from.
    From this beginning that Amanda had begun to take a little more interest in self-defence and Martial Arts in general, although she had never really found time to pursue

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