Made For Sex

Made For Sex by Joan Elizabeth Lloyd Page A

Book: Made For Sex by Joan Elizabeth Lloyd Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joan Elizabeth Lloyd
else to play.”
    â€œNext time?”
    â€œCertainly. I’m not letting something as good as you get away. And next time I’ll happily pay for your attention.”
    â€œYou don’t have to pay me. This is too much fun.”
    â€œIf you intend to go into business, your first lesson is not to give it away,” Bryce warned. “And I hope you’ll enjoy it every time with every man you’re with. Especially me.”

    C arla and Ronnie had lunch together the following afternoon in Ronnie’s living room. “From your contented look,” Ronnie said, swallowing a bite of grilled mushroom, “I assume Bryce did right by you.”
    â€œHe sure did. It was wonderful.”
    â€œI’d love to hear all the details,” Ronnie said, “But I don’t want you to tell me anything that makes you uncomfortable.”
    With a laugh, Carla said, “That’s very funny coming from you and considering the business we have in mind.”
    â€œYou still have the right to be uncomfortable about things. You give up no rights here.”
    â€œI know, and thanks.” Carla proceeded to tell Ronnie about the previous evening, chapter and verse.
    â€œThis tendency you have to be submissive could be a profitable addition to our business. You know that I tend to be the dominant one and I have many friends who enjoy playing with me. But lots of men like to be the master. Well,” Ronnie said, spearing a shrimp with her fork, “we’ll figure that out as time goes on. First, I’d like you to think about changing your appearance. Making yourself look more sophisticated. I’d love to get you an appointment with Jean-Claude.”
    â€œThe Jean-Claude? The one who works with all the stars?”
    â€œThat’s him. And he’s done pretty well for himself since he and I first met,” Ronnie said. “He did a makeover for me a long time ago, when he was still a hairdresser named Jimmy and I was still relatively monogamous. He did my hair, taught me how to use makeup, how to select the most becoming clothes, the works. I recommended him to my friends. He’ll do wonders for you.”
    â€œAm I that bad?”
    â€œYou are perfect for the supermarket and the PTA but not quite right for men who want to take you out and show you off. Like last evening. In addition to how it will make you feel, it makes a man feel potent if the woman he’s with makes others’ heads turn.”
    â€œI guess you’re right.” Carla crossed the room and looked at herself in the antique mirror that hung over the maple desk. She lifted her long brown hair and turned left and right to study her face. As usual she wore only rouge, gray eyeshadow, and lipstick. Her earrings were simple gold hoops. “Do you think Jean-Claude could do something with me?”
    â€œYou bet.” Ronnie looked sheepish, then said, “As a matter of fact, you’re due at his studio in about an hour.”
    Carla’s laughter was immediate. “You were so sure?”
    â€œWhat woman could resist putting themselves in the hands of a talented, gorgeous Frenchman with the soul of a lover?”
    â€œDoes he know about you and this?” Carla said, waving her arm around the lavish room.
    â€œActually he’s a good source of referrals,” Ronnie said. “He works around celebrities and he occasionally meets someone who wants discrete company.”
    â€œYou’ve entertained celebrities? Here?”
    Ronnie sighed. “Russell Street was here just last month.”
    â€œI’m impressed,” Carla said. “Russell Street.”
    â€œDon’t get starstruck. Eventually you may entertain someone famous, but what they want as much as anything else is a companion who’ll enjoy cavorting without the trophy-collecting mentality that groupies are known for.”
    â€œWell,” Carla said, “if I’m due at

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