Mad Lord Lucian

Mad Lord Lucian by Shay West Page B

Book: Mad Lord Lucian by Shay West Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shay West
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another when she is near?”
    Senda had tried to get his Lord to see reason, but the man refused to hear any talk of marriage.
    “If something happens to me, Suasor will rule in my stead. He is a good man and will treat you well.”
    Senda sighed as he stared at the mere shadow of the man he served. It broke his heart to see him lying in the bed, eyes open and staring at nothing, a fine line of spittle hanging from his open mouth. His breath rattled in his chest.
    While he gave his Lord a quick cloth bath, a servant arrived with some boiled eggs, bread, and cheese. Senda sent the man to bring Mystic Anali to the main audience chamber. “Wait for a bit to give me time to get Lucian situated.”
    “Yes, Senda.” The servant nodded and scurried off.
    Senda dressed his Lord with as much dignity as he could muster. This man was still the King of Lucian Island and would be until the day he stopped drawing breath. Senda prayed to the good spirits that the day would be far off. The arrival of the Mystic gave him hope, hope he dared not feel for quite some time.
    He fetched the special chair the blacksmith had constructed for Lucian when he could no longer walk on his own. It had wheels, thus allowing someone to push the Lord wherever he needed to go.
    Senda could not say why he did not wish the Mystic to come examine Lucian in his own bedchamber. He felt as though it would diminish the man somehow. Lord Lucian never held audiences in his private quarters. He'd always chosen to talk with people in the main audience chamber.
    He coaxed Lucian to his feet. The emaciated man was able to stand and walk a few steps, as long as someone held his hand to lead him. Otherwise, his weakened muscles would give out and he would stumble and fall.
    Senda slowly pushed the chair down the dim hallway. There were no windows in this part of the castle. Lord Lucian built his chambers against the face of the mountain with only the one hallway leading in or out. His bedchamber would be where he and his soldiers would make a final stand in the event the castle was ever attacked.
    There were no tapestries, and only a few torches in metal sconces, along the wall. His footsteps and the squeaking of the wheels echoed in the emptiness. Senda greeted the guards. They addressed the servant rather than their Lord. Lucian's condition made everyone uncomfortable. No one seemed to know what to say.
    The Mystic will make Lord Lucian strong again .
    Senda had sent word for a Mystic when it was clear the local herb women were unable to help. He had received word rather quickly that a Mystic residing in the Forbidden Territories was available and would arrive within the week.
    The servant was a little nervous about having someone from the Forbidden Territories on the island. Everyone knew the people living there filled their bodies with various drugs and poisons. It seemed as though anything that grew or lived in the swamp was toxic or hallucinogenic in some way. The inhabitants sold their wares in many villages and towns. The rare potions and dried herbs were worth their weight in gold, and anyone lucky enough to come across a merchant from the Forbidden Territories often spent all the money they had to obtain the treasures.
    Senda was relieved he'd arrived at the audience chamber before the Mystic. He pushed Lucian next to the high-backed chair at the back of the room. It, too, was topped with carvings of shadowcats and was made of very dark reddish-colored wood. Senda had always thought it made the chair look as though it was covered in blood.
    He took his Lord's hand and pulled him toward the chair. The man came quietly, eyes vacant, mouth agape. His white hair stuck out in wisps around his gaunt face, giving him the look of one who is dead, or close to it. Senda arranged his Lord's robes and placed his hands on the arms of the chair. He gently wiped a line of spittle from Lucian's face with a handkerchief. He is as Lordly as I can make him look .
    When Mystic

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