Lyon's Family (The Lyon #5)

Lyon's Family (The Lyon #5) by Jordan Silver Page A

Book: Lyon's Family (The Lyon #5) by Jordan Silver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Silver
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    “The boys are playing in theirs why can’t I? it’s not fair daddy. Caitie doesn’t play with me she’s too old and the boys say I’m just a girl.” I tried explaining that shit to her until she got a strange light in her eyes before grabbing her contraband and trying to make a run for it. “I know, I’ll play with Cody…”
    “Hold it.” I had to talk her out of using her brother as a science project, the shit she had in mind would land us all in jail. Where the fuck does she come up with this shit? “Catalina, your brother is not a doll, he hurts just as you do. You cannot pin his eyes back to see how they work.” What the fuck? Who thinks of this shit? I’m gonna have to remember to tell Kat not to leave those two alone.
    They started trickling in early evening, first Law and his crew, followed by Creed and his. By the time the SEALs showed up, I was afraid the neighbors were gonna call out the National Guard. Mallory wasn’t coming tonight. He had a kid with a fever so Kat and I would have to make a run out to their place after the holidays if things didn’t change by tomorrow.
    We made a sight in the upscale neighborhood with its preppy shit. I could just imagine the curtains being pulled back and the calls to nine-one- one. The SEALs had flown in and rented two SUVs and by the time my whole crew showed up the front of my house looked like a hoedown.
    Kat and Elena had gone all out to make the houses ready and make sure there was more than enough room for everyone so nobody had to stay at a hotel. Elena was getting the most of it since she had more available space, but the way things were looking the women were all bunking in my damn living room.
    I don’t know what it is about females, but they gravitate towards each other like bees to their queen, add a couple pregnancies to the mix and men become damn near nonexistent. At least Kat had a smile on her face as she made the rounds making sure her new guests were comfortable.
    “Well Lyon, we made it.” Law sidled up to me in the middle of the mayhem that was taking place in my living room. “I’m glad you came.” I was surprised to realize that was true, though my house looks like an outlaw crew had overrun it.
    People were spread out from the backyard to the driveway. Somebody had turned on the stereo and Xmas carols were piping through the speaker system, and the women were passing around trays of food and drinks.
    The house felt like it was supposed to the night before Xmas, light and happy. It was enlightening to see that I wasn’t the only husband who had lost his damn mind. The way these boys hovered around their women, taking care of their every need, you’d think no one had ever carried a child before.
    The kids were in their element, even my boys who were usually stoic little fucks were having the time of their lives showing off their riding skills. I kept my eye on Catalina as she flitted from room to room. She had everyone fooled from the get. All the women were goo-goo over her and she had the men wrapped around her little finger.
    I figure they were all watching her and imagining what their little angels might be when they finally got here, if they only knew. I knew I was the one who’d said no shoptalk but by the time the women were settled I was making eye contact with the guys to follow me outside. I could see that though they were willing to put shit aside for their women’s sake, they wanted to get shit moving.

Chapter 14
    Once everyone was settled and my guests were comfortable, I set myself to spying. I’d never heard about most of these people before, and found it strange that they were here with Law, which could only mean that they were involved somehow in whatever it was that was giving Colton fits since his visit to Law’s.
    I’d been plotting since the moment he told me that they were coming, and though I was more than happy to have them, that joy was twofold. I wanted answers, and

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