wed. bedfellow (BED-fel-oh) NOUN: One who shares a bed. bedmate (BED-meyt) NOUN: A spouse or lover. beguile (bih-GYL) VERB: Entrance; deceive. besotted (bih-SOT-ted) ADJECTIVE: To become foolish or confused, as a result of one’s attraction to someone; smitten. Lust is a mysterious wound in the side of humanity; or rather, at the very source of its life! To confound this lust in man with that desire which unites the sexes is like confusing a tumor with the very organ which it devours, a tumor whose very deformity horribly reproduces the shape. —G EORGES B ERNANOS bewitch (bih-WICH) VERB: Enchant; cast a spell as in witchcraft. billet-doux (BIL-ay-DOO) NOUN: A love letter. bisexual (by-SEK-shoo-uhl) ADJECTIVE: Being sexually attracted to members of the same sex as well as the opposite sex. bliss (blis) NOUN: A state of complete happiness; ecstasy. A romantic tropical getaway was sheer BLISS for the newly married couple. bodily (BOD-ih-lee) ADJECTIVE: Of or relating to the body; corporal. bosomy (BOOZ-uh-mee) ADJECTIVE: A woman endowed with large breasts. boudoir (BOO-dwahr) NOUN: A woman’s bedroom or private sitting area; can be used as an adjective to describe something that might take place in a woman’s bedroom. breathless (BRETH-lis) ADJECTIVE: Having difficulty breathing because of physical exertion or a strong feeling, such as excitement; panting. brothel (BROTH-uhl) NOUN: A whore house. brutish (BROO-tish) ADJECTIVE: Carnal; cruel; coarse; uncivilized; animal-like. buss (buhs) NOUN: A kiss. Framed and hanging directly above the bed was the famous photograph of an uninhibited soldier firmly planting a BUSS on the lips of an unsuspecting female reveler. buxom (BUHK-suhm) ADJECTIVE: Curvaceous; used to describe a full-figured woman in particular.
C cajole (kuh-JOHL) VERB: To convince someone to do something through flattery or sheer persistence. callipygian (kal-uh-PIJ-ee-uhn) ADJECTIVE: Having a nicely shaped backside. captivate (KAP-tuh-vayt) VERB: Entrance or enthrall. To be a successful actor, one must possess an abundance of charisma and an unequivocal ability to both engage and CAPTIVATE an audience. caress (kuh-RESS) VERB: To touch in an affectionate manner; stroke. carnal (KAHR-nuhl) ADJECTIVE: Relating to one’s physical or sexual needs. Casanova (kaz-uh-NOH-vuh) NOUN: A man who seduces women in quick succession; a playboy. catch the eye (kach thuh aye) PHRASE: To stand out or grab the attention of. charisma (kuh-RIZ-muh) NOUN: Likable personality trait that allows one to have a positive affect on others; magnetism or charm. charm (chahrm) VERB: Captivate; using an attractive personality to convince someone to do something. cicisbeo (chee-chiz-BEY-oh) NOUN: The lover of a married woman. climactic (kly-MAK-tik) ADJECTIVE: Leading or pertaining to the culmination of something. clinch (klinch) NOUN: An embrace or strong hold; clutch. clitoral (KLIT-tohr-rawl) ADJECTIVE: Pertaining to the clitoris, a highly sensitive part of a female’s genitalia. coarse (kawrs) ADJECTIVE: Vulgar or uncouth; rough. coax (kohks) VERB: To persuade in a gentle and kind manner; sweet-talk. coitus (KOH-i-tuhs) NOUN: Sexual intercourse. come-hither (kuhm-HITH-er) ADJECTIVE: Seductive; alluring. come-on (KUHM-on) NOUN: A pickup line or other tactic one uses to try and seduce another. comely (KUHM-lee) ADJECTIVE: Attractive or pleasant to look at; the word is most often used to describe a woman. compulsion (kuhm-PUHL-shuhn) NOUN: An impulse; the act of forcing somebody to do something. concubine (KONG-kyuh-byn) NOUN: Traditionally, it refers to the mistress of a married man who is looked after by her lover in the form of financial compensation and a home. Rumors swirled around the office that the executive’s secretary was actually his CONCUBINE, and her subsequent silence on the matter spoke volumes about her