put the baby in her crib and was coming back out the door.
    “Nap time,” he said, with a proud grin. “How’re you feeling?” He examined her face. “The swelling’s not as bad as it was before, but you should still keep ice on it.” He ran a light finger under her eye. “It’s already purple. I hate seeing his mark on you.”
    “I’ll be okay. But what about your dinner party?”
    “Already postponed. You’ll have to change the date with the caterer, but that shouldn’t be a problem. There’s something I wanted to talk with you about, but I have to get back to the office. Will you be okay?”
    “I’ll be fine.”
    He leaned down and kissed her on her good cheek. “I’ll see you tonight.”
    He started for the stairs, but she called him back. “Cal?”
    “I was thinking of maybe trying option number twelve tonight.”
    “Option twelve...” Cal tilted his head to the side, hardly able to believe what he was hearing. He had no idea what option twelve was, but if she wanted it, then he sure as hell would give it to her. “Oh. Is that right? And just who were you thinking of trying it with?”
    “My husband. If he gets home at a decent hour.”
    He walked back toward her. “I’ll see what I can do for you, darlin’.”
    “You do that.”
    He gave her a real kiss this time, but not the kind he had planned for her tonight. This one was easy and gentle and full of promise.
    “I’ll see you tonight,” she promised.
    He reluctantly turned away from her and headed down the stairs. As much as he wanted to stay, he had preparations to make and a mayor to call about a certain suspect that had been taken into custody today. He also had a surprise up his sleeve for Lucy, one he hoped she would agree to. There was no way he was going to allow what happened today to ever happen to her again.
    He stopped to thank Sam one more time for saving Lucy, then left for his office. First order of business: call Lucas. Next order of business: look up option number twelve.
    Cal spent the rest of the day working his tail off to get everything done that needed done so he could be home at a reasonable time. While option twelve didn’t have the same flare as eleven and thirteen, it was still miles away from where he and Lucy were right now. He’d take whatever she was offering. He hoped she would be just as amenable to his suggestions.
    That afternoon he’d purchased a handgun for Lucy and arranged for shooting lessons. That way if she was ever attacked again, she would have a way to protect herself. He’d do everything in his power to make sure that asshole kept as far away from his family as possible. To that end, he’d had a long talk this afternoon with the mayor about the need to crack down on crime, especially domestic violence. If the mayor also happened to have a copy of the file Lucas had given him on Lucy’s case, well, that might just light a fire under his ass.
    Cal drove through the gates of home, looking forward to seeing his family. His family. Who would’ve thought old rabble-rousing Cal would be looking forward to getting home to his wife and daughter? Poppy had charmed him almost as much as her mother. He adored that little girl. Who could’ve predicted it? He’d always liked kids…in small doses. But Poppy was different. Everything she did impressed him. Maybe he’d come to that point in life where he wanted a wife and children.
    The good Lord knew he was done with the bachelor life and had been for sometime. Now he had Lucy and Poppy to fill the nights he would’ve spent home alone. He parked his car in the garage and headed into the house. The first thing he heard was Poppy crying. Screaming actually. He dropped his briefcase and tore up the stairs.
    Lucy held Poppy’s stiff little body as the child reared her head back and wailed.
    “What’s wrong with her?” he asked, the panic in his voice making it too loud.
    “Ear infection. I think. This happened once before. I

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