Lured (The Brazil Werewolf Series Book 4)

Lured (The Brazil Werewolf Series Book 4) by Amanda K. Dudley-Penn Page B

Book: Lured (The Brazil Werewolf Series Book 4) by Amanda K. Dudley-Penn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda K. Dudley-Penn
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stared down at him, “Now, there is the question of the girl who brought Fiona back.  You understand that I have to know for sure if the girl I saw is Jaelle.  Everything in me says she is,” I said as my heart clenched at the thought of her living with those monsters for ten years.  My imagination had brought up too many images of what they had done to her.  I pushed them away not wanting to think of it again.
    “I understand that you need to find out and if she is we will save her.  I promise you that,” he said, pulling me to him and gazing into my eyes, “But right now, this time is for us and I intend to use every bit of it to show how much I adore you.”
    I giggled as he pulled me to him and we lost ourselves in each other for a little while longer.
    We had two days to honeymoon before Tamas had to go back to work with his father.  They would be chopping down trees to clear out room for more motor homes and because of that, they would be some distance away, I was taken to Ion’s house where Mirella and Garridan were helping him tend to Fiona.  The sight of the woman broke my heart but as soon as Tamas left I understood what had happened to her.  I experienced his absence in a physical way.  It hurt more than a typical absence from someone loved.  There was a gaping hole in my soul while Tamas wasn’t with me.  Worse, I understood that he felt the same.  I trembled as I gazed at Fiona.  She was dying because Emilian had died and had left her with the bond.  What would happened if Tamas died?  I didn’t have to ponder the answer.  I’d want to follow.  It was only made crueler by the fact that Fiona didn’t choose to be bonded as I had.  It had been forced on her and if there was a way to break it and Emilian knew how to accomplish it, he was never as bonded as she was. 
    I shook my head of the thoughts as Mirella chatted as if Fiona wasn’t fading away more and more with every second that passed.  My heart ached as the hours passed with the woman crying or whispering Emilian’s name or worse, asking to die.   I found a deep desire to help her and in turn, help Aurora get her mother back.  Darkness fell after what seemed like an eternity.  Aurora arrived just moments after the last rays of the sun faded behind the mountain.  She glanced at her mother with a sad mixture of hope and desperation.  My heart ached to see how attentive she was and how determined she was to save her mother even when there was so little hope. 
    I stared out of the window again to escape the sadness around me staring at the moon as the inky, black clouds moved over it blocking its rays.  The phone rang finally pulling my gaze from the window.  Mirella answered with her usual grin spread over her face and her chirp of a greeting.  Slowly, her grin faded and darkness replaced the joy in her eyes. 
    “I want to come home,” she said into the phone as tears filled her eyes.   She hung up and glanced around the room as if deciding what to say. 
    “What’s wrong?” I asked, standing and stepping toward her.  Her gaze met mine as she blinked releasing the tears to fall from her eyes and down her cheeks.
    “The Grey wolves have attacked dad,” she said on a choked sob, “He was ahead of them, marking trees to be cut down.  Tamas and Luc are bringing him home while the others search for the wolves responsible.  I’m sorry.  I don’t want to be here.  I want to go home so I’ll be there to help Momma when Daddy arrives.”
    “I’ll walk you,” I said but even before I finished speaking Garridan was shaking his head.
    “I promised Tamas that I wouldn’t leave your side,” he said and glanced at Mirella, “And I won’t allow her to walk by herself.  Eva has it out for her.  Neither of you have transitioned so you won’t be able to protect yourselves.  So, I’ll walk with you.”
    “Thank you,” Mirella said on a choked sob.
    Garridan’s face softened, “Of course,

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