Luna Tango

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Book: Luna Tango by Alli Sinclair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alli Sinclair
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flowed through her body.
    â€˜Angering Eduardo wasn’t a particularly bright move, you know.’
    â€˜You’re right, but I’ve had enough, Louisa. My heart aches just thinking about your departure.’
    â€˜But he’s given you an opportunity to fulfil your dream of performing in front of thousands in concert halls across the country.’
    He wrenched his hand from hers and stared at the jasmine twisting around the trellis. ‘If you don’t want to be with me, you need only say.’
    â€˜No, Louisa. If you loved me, you would let all this go.’ He gestured towards the house and expansive gardens. ‘Damn Eduardo and his wealth. Damn Eduardo and his contacts. Damn Eduardo and his hold over you.’
    â€˜It’s not what you think, I promise.’ She desperately needed a way to convince him of her love, yet not betray her word to Eduardo.
    â€˜You’re used to the good life, I can see. You never look uncomfortable when he showers you with presents. You parade throughout the concert halls in designer gowns and precious jewels. I can’t give you this—not yet. I can give you my love but obviously that’s not enough.’ He crossed his arms and scowled.
    Unfortunately, his words held truth. Most young women in her position would have done the same, especially when the benefactor didn’t expect sexual payment in return. Material wealth wasn’t everything, but if she were entirely honest, returning to an uncertain life and poverty would be torture.
    She sighed and looked him directly in the eyes. ‘Roberto, I love you more than heaven and earth and as much as I want to be with you, we do have other factors to consider.’
    â€˜Tell me what they are.’
    â€˜I can’t, I ...’ This was getting too hard, too complicated. ‘I can’t.’
    â€˜Not good enough.’
    â€˜You’re right, and I want to give you a full explanation for my staying with Eduardo, but I can’t tell you why right now.’ She looked to the bright blue sky and focused on a wispy cloud. It had been years since her father had passed and she’d honoured her promise to him to have integrity and keep her word above all else. This was the only thing he’d asked, yet here she was, about to lose the love of her life because she’d made a promise she couldn’t break.
    Jealousy flashed in Roberto’s eyes. ‘Are you sleeping with him?’
    â€˜No! I was a virgin until last night.’ She bit her lip and studied her hands clasped in her lap. She should be hurt but it was anger at Eduardo that had fuelled his thoughtless question.
    â€˜I’m sorry.’ He placed his hands on hers. The warmth from his fingers travelled through her body and melted the chill at the base of her spine. ‘This situation drives me crazy. I want to understand and respect your wishes, and do as you ask, but he makes me boiling mad. And after today’s effort, he’s going to ditch me. So I’ve lost you and my career.’
    â€˜It might not work out like that. I’ll talk to him and smooth things over. Just stay away until I tell you it’s safe.’
    â€˜Maybe I don’t want to perform and run his affairs. Who’s to say I can’t make my own way on the circuit? I’ll play in seedy bars again if I have to and I’ll save every cent so you can be with me.’
    He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a cigarette. Lighting it, he inhaled deeply and let the smoke fly out in an acrid cloud.
    â€˜When did you start smoking again?’ She reached for the offending cigarette but Roberto pulled it away.
    â€˜Since this stress has gotten to me.’ He turned his head to the side and took a puff.
    â€˜It makes you smell like a chimney. Please put it out.’
    He gave a nonchalant shrug and kept puffing. This rebellion was meant to hurt her. After all, she’d

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