Lucia Jordan's Four Series Collection: Chosen, Whipped, Lick, Risk

Lucia Jordan's Four Series Collection: Chosen, Whipped, Lick, Risk by Lucia Jordan Page A

Book: Lucia Jordan's Four Series Collection: Chosen, Whipped, Lick, Risk by Lucia Jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lucia Jordan
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her apartment. Had she displeased him? How could that be when the sex had been absolutely wonderful, at least for her and, as far as she knew, she hadn’t displeased him in that area either.
    But something was wrong. She chewed her lower lip. Had he somehow found out about her from his mother? She didn’t see that happening, as both Karyn and Stefano had decided to keep it a secret. And from what she knew of Gio, had he found out, he’d have let her know immediately. So what was going on? Where was he?
    She’d arrived at work on Monday to find a message that he’d been called away. He’d left her a list of work to be done but had not called in. All communication was via email. Leaning back in her chair, she sighed. The office wasn’t the same with him gone. It was too quiet.
    She stood and paced the small room, eyeing the file cabinet where it had all started with the breaking of her heel. Dammit, she missed the man and not just for the sex. His quiet energy and commanding presence kept her mentally alert, and his quick mind challenged her and kept her on her toes. Then there was the sex. The weekend had been pretty incredible.
    Maybe he was tired of her.
    That thought depressed her, but really, what did she know of the man? She’d only worked for him a few weeks. Though after the office sex, and the weekend of sex, what more did she want to know? He made her feel alive—whole. Everything else could come later.
    If anyone had told her she’d participate in any form of BDSM, she’d have been horrified. She grimaced. Same was true if anyone suggested she might be submissive in nature when it came to her sexuality. But she had participated, had loved everything Gio had done and, at least with him, she was more than happy to be submissive.
    Returning to her desk, she started on her next report and hoped Gio didn’t stay away too long, and that he wasn’t avoiding her because he was tired of her.
    In New York, Gio brooded. He felt betrayed, not just by Taryn, but by his brother as well. Family and loyalty were as important to him as breathing and eating. He’d been tricked and deceived. So much made sense now. Like why all of a sudden he was attracted to his brother’s fiancé when he’d never felt any sort of sexual interest before.
    Karyn didn’t stir him. Taryn on the other hand had reached out with an invisible hand and gripped him by the balls. He’d been drawn to her since that first meeting. He’d certainly been attracted to other women, even the instant want-to-fuck them attraction. But Taryn was different. She’d appealed to more than his physical needs.
    They shared many interests, she was intelligent, she was confident in herself as a woman and she didn’t hesitate to put him in his place if he became to overbearing or demanding. Except sexually. There she was the perfect sub—brave, trusting and so incredibly giving and responsive.
    Before Taryn, Gio hadn’t figured on finding anyone he could love or even consider building a relationship with. But Taryn changed that. He’d grown used to seeing her every day, needed her smile, yearned to hear her voice, the different tones—professional and controlled on the phone, easy and friendly with co-workers, her laughter with his sister.
    With him, she preferred haughtiness, a firmness few took with him. Most of all, he missed their battle of wills. She wasn’t afraid of him, even when he turned hard and cold, as he did when he thought himself right—sometimes based solely on the fact that he was the boss!
    But Taryn didn’t let him get away with using his status to browbeat her into agreeing with him. When she believed she was right she didn’t back down and, he’d learned, when it came to the projects they’d worked on together, she was more than often right. Her instincts were spot on and she wasn’t afraid to stand up to the boss. Because of that, she’d increased the company’s bottom line.
    He stared out the window of his apartment at

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