Lucas Ryan Versus: The Hive (The Lucas Ryan Versus Series)

Lucas Ryan Versus: The Hive (The Lucas Ryan Versus Series) by Madison Daniel Page A

Book: Lucas Ryan Versus: The Hive (The Lucas Ryan Versus Series) by Madison Daniel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Madison Daniel
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from behind perfectly white teeth. Both snapped inside his mouth like two tiny whips before disappearing again.
    I tried to scream, but nothing came out. The rest of my arm slid into the locker.
    “Give me the weapon!” General Love demanded, again.
    I gritted my teeth together. “It’s...not...a...weapo...”
    The top of my locker exploded in cold, silver light that shot through the ceiling of the school. A giant wave of sparkling energy flashed outward, covering everyone in its chilly wake. My sight blurred and every inch of my skin covered itself in fresh goose bumps. Another pulse of energy rolled over us, stunning General Love and his men. More energy filled the halls, growing with ferocity and the sound of a freight train. With a dull thud, I jerked my arm free from the locker opening.
    “Olivia! Hold on!” I screamed out. Her hands had found my waist before I had even finished my panicked announcement. My locker continued its assault on the school’s structure, carving an even larger hole into the roof. Classroom doors flew open, desks flipped over inside of them, and glass shattered and ricocheted everywhere. All the locker doors imploded, sucking themselves in with the familiar sound of metal crinkling.
    With the next round of explosions, General Love found himself flying backwards in slow motion, three feet off the ground. His team of hooligans suffered the same fate. All of them slowly rolling and spinning through the air, their weapons just out of reach from their emptied hands.
    “Urrrgggh!” General Love gurgled. It sounded inhuman and echoed loudly. His rage was almost as deafening as the mind bending explosion. Fear choked me and I made the only decision I could think of...I ran.
    “Come on!” I yelled through the storm, and jerked Olivia behind me as I started to run. I had no idea which way I was headed, only that we needed to get there, fast. Olivia locked her fingers in mine. Our feet carried us quickly down the hallway while everyone else spun around in mid air, turning like the second hand of a clock. We ran down the hall, watching as jagged pieces of glass and debris bounced off of our moving torsos. I couldn’t believe it.
    We made our way around the final corner of the building, where the school library was located. The two large entrance doors were now gone, probably because they were mostly made of dark, tinted glass. We pushed through the opening and found ourselves surrounded by all the library’s books. They were attached to the ceiling in messy stacks that reached below like an upside down city of words. They were only a few feet away from our heads. As we ran underneath them they would rustle and slam their spines against the closest stack next to them. The empty bookshelves lay toppled over, spinning on the floor. All the desks in the room had scattered themselves along the walls, hanging crooked and broken.
    Just when I thought it couldn’t get any weirder, my cell phone, slash, magic gauntlet, began to ring. My personal ringtone started to play much louder than expected. It was a very popular song from the 80’s and absolutely embarrassing...
    Olivia looked at me with wide eyes. “You gonna answer that?”
    Embarrassed and terrified, I pulled my gauntlet up and reached for the touchscreen.
    ‘TURN AROUND, BRIGHT EYES...’ it continued to serenade us.
    It was blinking with two small ovals on the screen. The shapes resembled the outline of my index and middle fingertips. I placed them on the flashing images and my musical ringtone stopped with a tiny pop.
    “Um...that’s better,” I tried to joke. Olivia smiled with a tiny pout. Just then, all around us, the room began to change back to normal. The bookshelves stood up in place again. The desks crawled down the walls like mechanical spiders and marched themselves back to their original resting spots. The books

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