Love's Blazing Ecstasy
    Severus shook his head from side to side. “No, no, no! We have given them every inducement to become Roman. They are too savage. Even our fine friends in the South are not truly bent to our yoke yet. Oh, yes, they mimic our dress, language, gods. Even let us set up Celtic chiefs over them, yet for all of their temples to Roman gods, they still cherish the Celtic deities and feasts.”
    “There is no crime in that,” Valerian said, wondering what Severus was getting at. “The empire has never put shackles on philosophic thought, nor on religion. We have embraced with open arms all local gods and nature spirits. Why, look at how the Celtic tribes are beginning to identify some of their own deities with those of Rome.”
    Severus angrily pounded the arm of his couch with frustration. “You don’t understand! It’s not the common people we have to fear. It is the Druids. They challenge the very authority of the government. They influence their people not to accept Roman laws and Roman peace. If we can rid ourselves of them, this constant warfare will be over and you and I can return to the warm climate of Rome. Much richer and more powerful!”
    Valerian felt cold chills running up and down his back as he realized just what Severus was telling him. “But the Druids are not warriors, they are priests. They are religious men. We can’t wage war on them!”
    Severus turned with a sly smile. “Oh, can’t we?” His smile was malevolent. “I intend to wage a ruthless campaign against these bloodthirsty savages. We’ll cut and burn down their sacred groves and then see how  powerful their magic is.”
    Remembering that Wynne’s father was a Druid, Valerian clenched his teeth and grew tense in every muscle. Although he had nearly lost his life to a sacrificial cult, he knew that this was an outlawed sect and that the Celtic peoples were peace-loving. After having met Wynne, he had a new respect for her people.
    “We set out tomorrow for the northern lands, where they refuse to listen to our words or lay aside their native habits and warlike ways.” His voice hushed to a whisper. “Valerian, my boy, I intend to reward you highly with lands and wealth beyond your wildest dreams. You will be my right-hand man.” With this Severus slumped in his chair and was out cold, the wine finally having its way.
    Valerian had a sinking feeling deep in the pit of his stomach. They were heading in the direction from which he had just returned. Severus planned his warfare not far from where Wynne and her people lived.
    Wynne, if only I could warn you, let you know what is going to happen, prepare you for the danger. But he knew that he could not do so without danger to his own life, for the punishments were severe for those who rebelled against their generals or tribunes. Cowards were flogged to death; generals were empowered to behead any soldier or officer for any deviation from orders, no matter what the outcome. And Severus had clearly taken on a role as general.
    I am helpless , Valerian thought in frustration. Still, what value would his life hold if he went against his conscience and stained his hands with so much blood? And how would he feel if anything happened to Wynne? She had given him his life even at the risk of her own. Even if he hadn’t cared about her as much as he did he owed her his protection and was obligated to the safety of her people.
    I will march with Severus, Valerian thought, until I find a way to thwart him. He put his head in his hands. “Wynne, Wynne!” he whispered. “I wanted to see you again, but not like this. Not like this!” He knew in his heart that all the light had gone out of his world.  His hope for the future had been extinguished the moment Severus had opened his mouth to verbalize his vile plans.

    Chapter Four teen
    The wind blew fiercely through the trees surrounding the lodge where Wynne lay tossing and turning, unable to sleep. It was as if a voice called

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