Lover's Return

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Book: Lover's Return by Rebecca Airies Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca Airies
Tags: Erótica
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many opportunities for himself here.
    He liked helping with the family ranch at times, but had always known that it wasn’t what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. As for the other family business, law enforcement, it didn’t hold his interest. But business and trading did. His family had helped him get started by allowing him to trade some livestock and tech that his brother Jonah had designed.
    Leaving Charleigh had been one of the hardest things he’d ever done. Breaking off their relationship to do that also ranked up there among the things he never wanted to do again. The thought of her with any other man gave him nightmares as he’d slept in utilitarian bunks in various space stations. It had been necessary though. He had to leave her where he knew she was safe.
    He hadn’t wanted her to feel tied down when his return to the planet was uncertain. Building a trading company took time. It wasn’t simple pride as his mother believed. Not all of it. He’d known it could be years before he succeeded. She’d needed the freedom to grow and experience life.
    Family was a key part of life here. He’d missed that and it was also part of the reasoning behind his departure. Her family and their business had always been important to her. He had wanted her to have that unless there was no other way. He’d never given up on his goal of being with her. Not even when he’d thought that it might not be possible on Darmain.
    He stood. Sitting here and brooding wasn’t accomplishing anything. Charleigh’s attitude hadn’t improved by giving her space. He’d break through her defenses and get her to focus on him. That goal had only become more important as the days passed. Especially since he learned he might not be the only one watching Charleigh.
    He stalked through the bar, making his way through the locals and visitors to the planet. The music thrummed a low steady beat mixed with a lilting melody. His eyes were locked on her. He saw her head turn and knew the moment she realized that he wasn’t sitting passively any longer.
    She tensed and took a step back, but her feet locked after that. As if she refused to let him see her run away. He loved that brazen attitude and was relieved that it was finally making an appearance. He wanted her angry. That at least would be a change from being ignored.
    He wanted to get past this incomprehensible resistance of hers and into the forgiveness that would eventually come. The only problem was his patience was running extremely low. He hoped that she forgave him soon.
    She held her ground and lifted her chin as he approached. Good, he hoped she was in the mood to work through some of this. He’d be really happy if they could settle this tonight, but he didn’t think he was that lucky. A few words wouldn’t break her resistance. Considering the people all around them, the most he could do was kiss and hold her a little, so he couldn’t fully remind her of how good they were together. That was, if he managed to get that close to her.
    He thought about how best to get a reaction from her as he covered the remaining distance between them. She hadn’t responded to any of his direct questions the few times he’d gotten close to her. So maybe he should try something a little different.
    “Well, hello, Charleigh, nice of you to come find me.” He smiled widely.
    “I didn’t come here to meet you and you know it. You followed me.” She glowered at him.
    “I don’t know when you got here, but I came shortly after I stopped work this evening.” He waved his hand. He’d known she’d be here tonight, but he definitely wasn’t going to reveal his inside information. “You can ask the bartender if you want.”
    She took a deep breath. “I don’t care.”
    He might have believed that if the words hadn’t come out from between clenched teeth. “Are you ready to talk or are you going to continue with the wronged-woman drama?”
    “Drama!” Her hands slammed onto her hips

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