Love To The Rescue
driver’s seat as he passed under the streetlight at the end of her driveway. She waved back and then closed and locked the front door. A smile crept across her face while she punched in the code to set the security system for the night.
    She returned to the family room, turned off the TV, and carried the tray filled with the coffee mugs and the bottle of liqueur into the kitchen.
    “That went splendidly, Rover. But I’m exhausted. I’ll race you to bed, big guy.” Amy kicked off her pumps and charged up the staircase, but halfway up a streak of red fur flew past her. “That’s not fair. You have four feet and I’ve only got two.”
    She changed into deep rose-colored silk pajamas, sighing contentedly. She couldn’t imagine why she’d been so stressed out about her date with Kevin. She hadn’t enjoyed an evening so much in ages. His playful teasing and intelligent conversation contributed greatly to the dinner’s success. He’d made friends with Rover. And could that man kiss! He’d promised to call her again, and she looked forward to their next date.
    While she brushed her teeth, she stared at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. “Kevin Robertson just might be a keeper, Rover. I wonder how long it will be before he calls again?” she asked aloud as she stuck her toothbrush back into the holder.
    And then she mentally kicked herself for thinking such a thing.
    “Darn it! If Fate heard that, I’ve probably jinxed any possibility of a relationship,” she groaned. Back to dinner alone in front of the television set, and she would have no one to blame but herself.
    But at least she’d have Rover.
    She wandered into her bedroom, pulled back the covers. And then she recalled Kevin and her peeking under the bed at her frightened dog. When she’d kissed him, lying beside her on the carpeted floor, she’d wondered if he’d suggest they skip dinner and make this first date exceptionally memorable.
    But he’d stopped at kisses and caresses.
    A true gentleman.
    She’d come to grips with losing Allan. Had even removed her wedding rings. She was ready to move on, unequivocally. Her heart wouldn’t survive another loss, and she wasn’t interested in anything long term. But dating again would be fun, especially dating Kevin Robertson.
    Gentlemanliness was one habit she’d love to break Kevin of, however, and sooner rather than later.
    While Kevin drove home from his date with Amy, he recalled that he’d almost swallowed his tongue before he could reply to her question about the teenager who broke into her house. Thankfully, there was good old ‘I’m not at liberty to discuss the case’. She was probably getting sick of hearing his reasons. But they were reasons not excuses. He couldn’t discuss it with her. Period.
    Kevin had come to grips with his decision to let the matter be for now. Hopefully, the police would recapture the little punk and it wouldn’t become necessary to inform Amy of his escape and frighten her all over again.
    Kevin felt certain Amy was safe, but in the unlikely event the kid showed up at Amy’s house, Rover would alert her. Before the dog high-tailed it under the bed, he had barked his head off until Amy answered the door and let him in. If the dog barked a warning, Amy would call 9-1-1 without hesitation. He felt certain of it.
    In his estimation, Kevin figured adopting that dog was the best decision Amy had ever made. She just didn’t know it.

    Chapter 7
    She’d been dating Kevin for a little over two months now. He called three days ago to inform her that one of his co-workers had traded shifts with him, and he had the entire weekend off. They agreed to a backyard barbecue at her house on Friday night. A perfect way to spend an exceptionally hot evening in mid-June.
    Amy settled onto the green floral lounger and Rover flopped onto the deck floor at her feet. She took a sip of her ice-cold kiwi wine cooler, and then held the cold bottle against her

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