Love the One You're With

Love the One You're With by Cecily von Ziegesar Page A

Book: Love the One You're With by Cecily von Ziegesar Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cecily von Ziegesar
Tags: JUV014000
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    “Aren’t we supposed to have Thanksgiving dinner early, at like four?” Baby grabbed her margarita and took a long gulp. “We
     should probably get up there.”
    “Fine,” Avery sighed. Lying here wasn’t going to help her make any headway with Rhys, anyway.
    Together, they hiked up the limestone steps toward the private pavilion that held the pool and hot tub. Each of the villas
     had access to the pavilion from their sitting rooms, and from inside the villa you could see the pool. The girls quickly showered
     and changed, then made their way to meet their family. They were having dinner on the deck of Edie and Remington’s villa,
     served by waiters from the restaurant.
    “You’re here!” Edie crowed as the girls approached. She was wearing a green-and-blue dress that looked like a toga, a purple
     orchid haphazardly tucked into her blond bob. “Happy Thanksgiving, my darlings!” Edie swooped down and kissed Avery and Baby
     on their heads.
    She sat back down at the head of the table, which was piled high with bowls of coconuts, pineapple, and mango. It was festive,
     if it didn’t exactly conjure up images of pilgrims and a harvest meal. “We were just playing a getting-to-know-you game!”
     Edie announced, squeezing Remington’s hand.
    Avery settled into the empty seat beside her mother, with Baby on her other side. Rhys was at the opposite end of the table,
     next to Owen. He was adjusting his napkin and she wasn’t able to catch his eye.
    “So, what we do is we go around the table, say our name, and then use an adjective that describes how we’re feeling that begins
     with the letter of our name. So, I’m Edie and I’m
to be here with Remy!” At this, Edie turned and kissed Remington on the lips.
    Avery tried not to stare at her mom and Remington kissing—she was sure it was like an eclipse and that too much direct eye
     contact would make her go blind. She realized it was her turn now. “Um.” She glanced around the table, cutting her eyes away
     when she reached Rhys. “I’m Avery and I’m…”
little bit in love with my brother’s best friend?
    “I’m always up for an
,” she finished lamely. It was so typical of Edie to make them play a dippy game. Back in Nantucket, they used to always play
     charades when guests came over. At least she hadn’t said anything too embarrassing in front of Rhys.
    Everyone looked to Baby next. She could feel Riley’s eyes boring holes into her face. He was seated across the table from
     her, next to Layla, but their seats were a foot apart, and no part of them was touching. “Okay,” Baby started, looking down
     at her plate to avoid Riley’s intense gaze. “I’m Baby and I’m—”
    “Badass!” Layla exclaimed, reaching across the table and giving her a high five.
    “I’ll second that!” Riley exclaimed. “You should have seen her on her horse yesterday!”
    Baby grinned across the table. Layla seemed so fun and cool, and the more she got to know her, the worse she felt. She caught
     Riley’s eye across the table, and then looked quickly away.
    “Okay, Riley, it’s your turn!” Edie announced merrily. Two servers came by and set platters of jumbo shrimp on the center
     of the table. Avery was grateful that her mom didn’t ask the servers to participate in their getting-to-know-you game.
    “Okay. I’m Riley and I’m
looking forward to
    Baby looked down at the pink shrimp, knowing he was trying to make eye contact. She hoped she wasn’t blushing. Why did he
     have to bring up their ride?
    “Oh, a
R! Aren’t you a smart cookie!” Edie trilled, already on her third drink. She looked like she wanted to ruffle Riley’s hair,
     but luckily he was too far down the table.
    “Yes, I heard you were quite the trailblazer yesterday, Baby,” Remington said jovially, helping himself to more shrimp. “I
     didn’t know you rode. You should go again tomorrow. Won’t

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