Love Me Knot
was flying solo.
    He checked again to see if the brunette was still staring. Yes , she was. This time her cheeks filled with color before she looked away and seemed to mutter something to herself.
    Then again maybe he’d do just fine on his own.
    “Excuse me, cuz.” He grinned and slapped his oldest cousin on the back. “I think I may have to see someone about filling that vacancy for a girl in my life.”
    Oh crap . He was coming over!
    Ciara bit back a groan and resisted the urge to flee, since the floor opening up and swallowing her wasn’t likely to happen.
    What’d you expect by staring at him like he was some sex god from another planet?
    But, jeez, how could she not? He was ridiculously hot. Was he one of the Wyatt brothers? She’d heard there were only three, but when one of the known Wyatts had walked over to him, there was no denying the resemblance. The blond hair and blue eyes.
    “How’s your beer?”
    What the ... she blinked as he arrived beside her. “I’m not actually drinking a beer. This is punch.”
    “And see that’s a problem, which is why I brought you one.” His mouth curved into a sinfully sexy smile as he handed her a bottle. “You are old enough to drink the stuff, right? My cousin isn’t going to have to come arrest me for supplying a minor with alcohol?”
    Tyson Wyatt was the Sheriff, so that meant this guy wasn’t one of the brothers, but a cousin.
    “I’m twenty-three, so no laws are being broken.” She accepted the beer with a quirked brow. “Now tell me, does your beer trick actually work on women?”
    “You know, I’ve never actually tried it before tonight. How’s it working?”
    Oh honey you could’ve handed me a bottle of vinegar and I would’ve melted a little.
    “I’ll let you know. I’m Ciara. So you’re one of the famous Wyatts?”
    “Ryan Wyatt, but I wouldn’t say I’m one of the better known ones.”
    Somehow she had a hard time believing Ryan was a wallflower. “Nice to meet you, Ryan. I haven’t been here long, but it sounds like anyone with the last name Wyatt in a place called Wyattville stands out a little.”
    “Hmm. Maybe. What brings you here?”
    “Family.” Interesting change of topic, one she wasn’t too thrilled with either. Time to change it again. “Or did you mean the wedding?”
    “Actually both. But on the wedding topic, are you friends with the bride or groom?”
    “Bride, though only just recently. I met her at the salon last week when she was getting her hair highlighted. We hit it off fabulously and she invited me to her wedding.” Ciara smiled and took a sip of beer. “Seemed a little crazy, but she assured me it’s totally not weird in a small town.”
    “Not weird at all. I’m surprised she didn’t make you a bridesmaid.”
    She laughed and caught his gaze. His eyes were twinkling with amusement now and definite interest. Her stomach fluttered. Oh god he was sexy.
    You didn’t come to Wyattville for this, Ciara. K eep your head on straight.
    “The reception is winding down and there’s an awful lot of sugar to eat around here,” Ryan mentioned casually.
    “Well Kate does own a bakery.”
    “A damn good one, and I’m glad to see it’s open again after that fire.”
    “Fire?” She hadn’t heard about a fire at Kate’s bakery.
    “I’ll tell you all about it over a burger.”
    “You want to bail on your cousin’s wedding?”
    “Reception. All that’s left is the throwing of the bouquet and garter toss, and I’m not in to that stuff. Unless you are ?”
    That was one of her favorite parts, but it’d be hard to admit it now. Yeah, I’m totally that girl who knocks chicks down while trying to grab the bouquet. Step aside, bitches!
    “Oh, god, no. I usually skip that part,” she lied breezily. But that certainly didn’t mean she could accept his invite for lunch. “Actually I am kind of hungry.”
    And so much for keeping your head on straight.
    His smile turned self-assured in a way that

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