Love LockDown

Love LockDown by A.T. Smith Page B

Book: Love LockDown by A.T. Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: A.T. Smith
Tags: Romance, Literature & Fiction
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real, you would give me a job?” I ask excitedly, the thought of actually earning my own money and buying my own things is making my heart pump hard and fast in my chest.
    “Sure, if that’s what you want. You don’t need to work, I can supply anything you need, but if it makes you happy to work then you can always help out there.”
    “Oh god, Thank you so much Leigh, can I call you Leigh?” I question him, still sounding like an overly excited child at Christmas.
    “Yes, you can call me Leigh.” He places his hand on my knee and squeezes slightly. I look down and watch whilst he strokes it for a second before removing it to change gear.
    I squirm in my seat trying to relieve the pressure, trying to eradicate the images my mind had set for me, my chest aching for him to put his hand back there. Deep inside it hurt because I knew I wanted him more than he would ever want me.
    We arrive at Tesco within twenty minutes. I open the door and swing myself out of the car.
    We spend an hour and a half over filling the metal cage that is a trolley, before approaching the checkout with every grocery item you could need.
    A total of three hundred and twenty seven pounds, thirty six pence later we have a boot full of bagged food and are driving back to the mansion in the Audi.
    “Bring on tonight. Just a warning Abbi, these ‘lads nights’” he says using his fingers to quotation mark the lads nights part, “They can get messy so might be best to step away from it. Don’t want you the subjected to the filth that their drunk mouths project.”
    I sit and think to myself, ‘oh god, I hope it does get messy. That would be one awesome fucking end to the night.’

Chapter Seven
     After arriving home, Leighton and I pack away the shopping, overfilling the cupboard and refrigerator space.
    “So, food? What are we preparing?” I ask Leigh as I close the last polished door of the kitchen unit.
    “Was thinking, maybe just get a pizza in? Would be easier for us both, that way I can catch up with some paperwork and you can relax and enjoy your freedom. I have a pool and spa if you want to relax there for a while.” He was munching his way through a very delicious and juicy apple, his teeth slicing through the fruit with ease. I was staring at his mouth like an estranged stalker.
    “What are you looking at?” he asks me, seeing my distraction.
    “That,” I reply, pointing to the ruby red apple in his clasp; I want nothing more than to have a taste, of him that was.
    “You aren’t having any, it’s mine.” He tells me as he takes an extra-large bite, the crunch of the fruit echoing in the large kitchen. He is clearly trying to wind me up further.
    I pout my lip at him, batting my eyelashes and forcing fake tears to surface. That’s right I could be a fucking drama queen, and what?
    “Don’t even try that shit with me Abbi, I have a little sister. She has tried to pull that since she was a kid, doesn’t work with me sweetheart.” I continue to pout and even manage to force a tear to fall, sniffling exaggeratingly. “It’s not going to work, stop with the tears.” He tells me, trying his hardest to consume his apple, taking gargantuan bites, chewing quickly and then swallowing.
    I try to stop myself from falling on the floor laughing, as he begins to choke on the huge mouthful. His face turns red as he pounds his chest, trying to dislodge the piece caught in his throat.
    I move across the room giggling as I move behind him. I slap between his shoulder blades as hard as my laughing body will allow. “Cough hard you plank.” I continue to thump him as he coughs hard, a piece of apple eventually flying across the room.
    “That’s what you get for being a greedy arse.” I tell him, poking my tongue out at him as I move past. “Next time you’ll know to share won’t you, Mr. Leighton.” I look at him in mock seriousness, “You say, Yes Miss Adams, next time I will share”
    He looks at me, raising his eyebrow

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