Love Lifted Me

Love Lifted Me by Sara Evans Page B

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Authors: Sara Evans
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his perch against the sales counter. “Fell in love first too.” If he was trying to make up for leaving her alone with Raven, he was on the right track. When he winked at Jade, she warmed. He’d been doing a lot of things lately to make up for lost time.
    â€œWhat about you, Jade? Did you fall in love at first sight?”
    â€œMaybe second sight.” Jade regarded her husband. “But falling in love with Max was easy.” Working out their relationship presented a bigger challenge.
    Raven asked the technical details of when and where they were married and for how long. Then, at last, she talked vintage. She was quite knowledgeable, which redeemed her a bit in Jade’s mind.
    â€œWhy vintage, Jade?”
    â€œBecause”—Jade glanced around the shop—“to me, things have value.
    Each item in here represents a time in our history that we shouldn’t forget.
    Clothes, jewelry, music, books, even furniture pieces, remind us. The calendars on the wall.” She walked toward the hat display. “If I say pillbox hat, what do you think? Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis.”
    Raven asked a few more questions, then tucked her recorder into her purse.
    â€œGreat interview, Jade.” She motioned to Eric. “Let’s get some shots of the family.”
    Gathered in the sunspot, Eric positioned Max and Jade with Asa in between. “All right, everyone watch the birdie.”
    Max’s phone rang and the first shot had him looking down, reaching into his pocket. “Sorry, it’s our Realtor. One second please.” Max set Asa on the floor and backed away.
    Raven smiled at Jade as if she pitied her. Eric snapped a few shots of Asa.
    â€œGreat thing about digital,” he said. “I can take as many shots as I want.”
    â€œOkay, I’m back. Jade, the boosters are planning a welcome party for us.”
    â€œI thought you were talking to the Realtor.” Between prepping to move and dirt-seeking Raven, Jade teetered on the edge.
    â€œShe’s also the head of the booster welcome committee.” Max swung Asa up in his arms and stood next to Jade. “Now we’re ready.”
    But they weren’t. Max’s phone rang three more times. He answered it three more times. The last time, Jade followed him to the back of the shop.
    â€œMax, Eric and Raven are waiting. Why do people answer phones only to ignore the people standing in front of them? You’re not the only one with things to do. Everyone’s time is valuable.”
    He peered at her. “Chevy, I’m in the middle of something,” Max said. “I’ll call you back.”
    â€œAre we ready this time?” Eric raised his camera for the shot. Max tightened his hand on Jade’s shoulder. “Jade, you don’t look happy. How about a smile?” She obliged, tugging on her T-shirt and smoothing her hand over her hair. Eric looked up from the viewfinder. “You look great. How about a smile? Ready? On three. One, two—”
    â€œSchmile.” Asa shot his little arms into the air, bared his baby whites, and slurred out his favorite word.
    Jade burst out laughing. Max’s deep chuckle rolled underneath hers. Eric captured the moment. The Benson family’s last moments in Whisper Hollow, gazing at one another, laughing.
    After Raven and Eric left, Max and Jade took Asa for lunch at Sugar Plumbs, breathed out, and laughed over burgers and fries.
    â€œWe sure are going to miss y’all around here,” Mae said, clearing away their plates. “I check for your Open sign every morning, Jade. I tell you, when you were gone those months, my whole routine was off.” The narrow woman with Appalachian charm frowned. “What am I going to do for five, six months? I’ll burn half the town’s hands pouring coffee.”
    â€œMae, you had Sugar Plumbs twenty years before I showed up. Besides, Lillabeth will be here, running the

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