Love is Blind

Love is Blind by Shayna B Page A

Book: Love is Blind by Shayna B Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shayna B
Tags: Romance, Young Adult, love, disabilities, guide dogs
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look of utter peace on his face, and I understood it
completely. The feeling after I sang a song was always one of
contentment and it was clear that he felt the same thing. “Well,
you aren’t horrible,” I told him.
    He grinned. “Thanks. Should we go outside now?
Sophie is probably wondering what’s taking us so long.”
    “Sure. You going to get dressed? Or are you
going to go around in just you pajama pants all day?”
    He smirked. “Well, I know you like my body, so I
just figured I’d let you ogle me for a little longer.”
    Heat crept into my face, because I had been
discreetly checking him out. I wasn’t about to admit it thought.
“It’s not bad, but I’ve seen better,” I said with a shrug.
    He chuckled. “You keep telling yourself that.
I’ll meet you outside in a few minutes.”
    I muttered under my breath about egotistical
jerks as I left the room, the sound of his laughter following
    That evening, the three of us got into my car to
go to the restaurant. Blake decided to leave Abby at home, because
he figured that would just draw attention to him, which he didn’t
    When we got to the restaurant, we all got out of
the car and I walked to Blake’s side, laying my hand on his arm.
“You ready for this?”
    “No, but let’s do it anyways.”
    I slid my hand down his arm and linked my
fingers with his. I gave his hand a reassuring squeeze before
lightly tugging on him, leading him forwards. Sophie fell into step
on my other side, and the three of us entered the building
together. We’d chosen a fairly casual restaurant, because none of
us had the desire to dress up.
    The hostess quickly seated us in a fairly
private booth, and I was grateful for that. I knew Blake would be
more comfortable if there weren’t as many people around. We settled
into the booth, Blake and I on one side, and Sophie sitting across
from us. Blake had asked me to sit beside him, because he knew I
wouldn’t try to help him unless it was needed.
    Once the hostess had made sure we were settled,
she told us that our waitress would be here shortly, and then she
disappeared. I turned to Blake. “We’re in a pretty private part of
the restaurant, so you can relax a little.”
    He nodded. “I could tell it wasn’t too crowded,
because there aren’t a lot of voices around. Can you describe the
layout of the table to me?”
    I nodded and quickly told him where everything
was. He used his hands to feel everything and by the time the
waitress arrived to take our drink order, he was fairly comfortable
with where everything was.
    The waitress stopped at our table and smiled
brightly. “Hi! I’m Shannon and I’ll be your server tonight. Can I
get everyone something to drink?” She was on the small side, with
light brown hair and hazel eyes. She looked to be around our age,
but I didn’t recognize her.
    Sophie and I ordered coke and Blake ordered ice
tea. Shannon gave us another smile, her eyes lingering on Blake for
a second, before she went off to get our drinks. Sophie and I
grinned at each other.
    “Blake, I think you have an admirer,” Sophie
    He frowned. “What do you mean?”
    “The waitress was checking you out. It was
subtle, but we both caught it,” I explained.
    “Really? What does she look like?”
    I rolled my eyes. “Typical guy, worried about
looks over personality.”
    “Aw, don’t be jealous Hailey,” Blake said in a
fake sweet voice. “I’m sure she’s not as pretty as you.”
    “You think I’m pretty?”
    His face turned to stone immediately. “I never
said that.”
    “Hate to break it to you Blake, but you kind of
did,” Sophie said with a grin.
    Blake scowled. “Shut up,” he grumbled.
    I laughed. “You obviously didn’t listen to that
book I got you, if that’s the best you can come up with.”
    “Just read the damn menu to me, will you?”
    I chuckled again, but obliged. The rest of the
evening went really well. The three of us had a lot of fun, and
Blake stayed

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