Love in Flames

Love in Flames by N. J. Walters Page B

Book: Love in Flames by N. J. Walters Read Free Book Online
Authors: N. J. Walters
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Paranormal
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her his hand and pulled her up easily. While she brushed the sand from her skirt, he shook out both their tops and then helped her on with her sweater before donning his shirt. She managed to find her panties and bra, thankful that she wouldn’t have to come searching for them in the morning. She didn’t bother to try to put them on, but stuffed them into her skirt pockets. She found her sneakers and shoved her feet into them. Her socks joined her underwear in her pockets.
    Uncertainty flooded Esther. She wasn’t sure what to do next. Ryan was busy kicking sand on the dying embers of the fire, making sure it was completely out. When he was done, he grabbed the gutted lantern and turned back to her.
    “Come here.” His soft entreaty had her feet moving toward him. Tucking her under his arm, he held her close as they walked back to her house. Only the churned-up sand and the faint smell of smoke remained behind them.
    “Good morning.” The husky greeting was followed by a long, lingering kiss. The rasp of Ryan’s morning stubble was rough against her skin, but Esther ignored it, not wanting her fantastic dream to end. As their kiss deepened, she became aware of various muscle aches in her body, as if she had worked it too hard.
    Reality descended with a resounding crash as a hairy thigh was draped over her smooth one and a heavy hand rested on her belly. It wasn’t a dream. She’d really danced around the fire on the beach, ending her performance by making love to Ryan. Upon retreating to her home, they’d grabbed a quick shower and made love several more times before finally dropping into a deep, sated sleep. Just the thoughts of what they’d done in the shower made her skin flush.
    What had she done?
    She’d gone against all her deeply held beliefs, allowing her protective barriers to be pushed aside, and had made love to Ryan. Her lover pulled back, a sleepy smile on his face as he rolled out of bed and sauntered to the bathroom. She couldn’t take her eyes off his tight butt.
    Burying her face in her pillow, she shook herself. Okay, maybe she could salvage the situation before her heart got too involved. Maybe it was cowardly, but she didn’t care. She had already thrown herself off the end of a cliff. It was time to grab a lifeline and pull herself back.
    Her heart cried out in protest even as her mind congratulated her on her good sense. Esther was totally confused. She heard water running in the bathroom and knew Ryan wouldn’t be in there much longer. Jumping out of bed, she ran to her closet, grabbed her robe and slipped it on. She just had the belt tightened when he walked back into the room.
    Oh my . He was half-aroused already and on his way to full when he walked up to her. “I was hoping to join you back in bed,” he murmured. He leaned down and nipped the curve of her shoulder where it met her neck.
    The man didn’t play fair. He’d quickly tested his past knowledge and found out last night her neck, and that area in particular, was an erogenous zone for her. She bit her lower lip, ignoring the heat that blossomed low in her belly. She was already damp between her thighs.
    “Wait.” Pressing her hands to his shoulders, she pushed him back. “We have to stop.”
    He stared at her quizzically. “Why? Do you have to go to work? I’m sorry, sweetheart, I thought you were off today.”
    “No. I don’t have to work.” She stood tall and pulled her tattered shields back around her. “I think you should go.”
    The easy smile slid from his face to be replaced by a frown. “What’s wrong, Esther?”
    There was no stopping what she had started. “I think last night might have been a mistake.” Every cell in her body was screaming in denial, but like a runaway train she couldn’t stop the flow of words streaming from her mouth.
    “A mistake.” His voice was flat as he just stared at her. “You’re pulling back because you’re afraid.”
    “I’m not afraid. It’s just common

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