Love and Law

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Book: Love and Law by K Webster Read Free Book Online
Authors: K Webster
Tags: Novel
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feel absolutely gutted right now.

    Last night was a nightmare. After Ben left, I showered and lay in my bed, spending all night doing a little soul-searching. Our argument only served to clarify that I am a delusional bitch. I let my hormones get in the way of my job once again. But I am done. He never came back for me, and I haven’t seen him at all today.
    Just like every day so far, I accept my supply from CJ and head outside to walk the streets. Normally, I cut between houses until I meet up with Miguel or Jake on a side street and swap the load of drugs for the required money. After that first night, I was able to sneak in and call him the next day. We’ve been going through this routine ever since. Each time, Miguel begs me to just turn in what I have so Sommerhaul will let me come back to the station. Of course, I know I need to find Oculus’s location and where they keep the bulk of their drugs. If they’ll leave me alone, I’ll find out eventually.
    I’m walking out of the alleyway when a familiar voice stops me.
    “Where you headed, Ghetto Barbie?” Tameka demands. She’s got her backpack on, just like me, full of today’s load of drugs.
    “None of your business, Bitch Face,” I snap back at her. I’m grouchy today after having had my blowup last night with Ben.
    “I bet you’re running over to Blaze,” she taunts.
    Ignoring her, I stomp past her and continue on down the sidewalk. I’ve only made it a few steps when she yanks my hair and pulls me back. My first response is to fight back, and since I don’t have to impress Ben anymore, I take out my anger on her.
    “You won’t quit, you fucking bitch,” I snarl as I spin around and grab her neck.
    We stumble and fall onto the sidewalk, skinning elbows in the process. She tries to punch me, but she punches like a damn sissy. However, when I straddle her and punch her in the face, she screams because I fucking punch hard. Her fingers scratch at my arms as she attempts to make me stop hitting her, but I’m beyond stopping.
    I’ve just began choking her out again when two strong arms effortlessly rip me of her. When I recognize the smell of the person who yanked me away, my heart races in a panic. He spins me around to face him, and I’m now looking at one of Detroit PD’s finest—Miguel Lopez.
    His look tells me to be quiet and go with the flow. I nod my head slightly, indicating that I understand. Jake has already pulled Tameka to her feet. I can’t help but grin when I see her bloodied nose. Damn bitch deserved it.
    “What are you two ladies doing in the middle of the day fighting on the sidewalk?” Miguel asks.
    Of course, Bitch Face tries to pin it on me. “I was walking along, minding my own business, when this cunt attacked me,” Tameka lies.
    I roll my eyes over at her and flip her off.
    Miguel studies each of us and zeroes his gaze in on her backpack.
    “What’s in the backpacks?” Miguel asks, nodding his head to each of us.
    This time, the bitch has the brains to shut the fuck up. She looks terrified.
    “Nothing,” I tell him convincingly.
    He shakes his head at me. “I’m going to need the both of you to remove your backpacks and set them down in front of you. Thread your fingers together and place them on top of your head,” Miguel instructs.
    We both do as we’re told, and Tameka nervously keeps eyeing her backpack. Miguel keeps his attention trained on us while Jake, with a stupid fucking smirk on his face, kneels down in front of them. He goes through mine first and immediately locates my daily supply of cocaine.
    “Tsk, tsk, tsk. Someone’s going to jail,” he taunts as he holds up a handful of baggies all filled with blow.
    I ignore him while he moves on to the next bag.
    Tameka begins to cry when Jake chokes out, “Holy shit, this thing is full! Darlin’, you’re going to jail for a long time.”
    I snap my head over to the backpack that is, indeed, full of coke and my mouth gapes open. How in the fuck did

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