Love and Fury: The Coltrane Saga, Book 4

Love and Fury: The Coltrane Saga, Book 4 by Patricia Hagan Page A

Book: Love and Fury: The Coltrane Saga, Book 4 by Patricia Hagan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patricia Hagan
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    “Yes,” said Gavin. “It is the only way you can hope to save your brother’s life. And,” he continued, “my plan will work. Coltrane won’t be in Nevada. The only member of the family who’ll be there is his son, who has not seen Dani in almost fourteen years. You resemble her closely enough. The coloring is right. And you speak English perfectly, with only a trace of a French accent. Dani would conceivably speak the same way, having lived in this country for so long.” He paused. “Thank God she taught you English. The bitch isn’t entirely useless.
    “It’s all quite simple,” he went on fluidly before she could speak. “We’ll go to America. I will outline my plan for you later. Meanwhile, I’ll make the provisions for your brother’s care.” He sat back and watched her. What he had told her was all she needed to know for the time being. How he planned to use her to get control of all the Coltrane money was nothing she needed to know, at least not yet.
    Briana’s mind raced. It was not right, but it wasn’t as wrong as what Marice was doing. Or letting her beloved Charles die. Wasn’t it her sacred duty to help that helpless boy? Dani had no need of the money anymore, so who would be hurt? And Charles would have a chance to live. That same thought kept coming back over and over: Charles would have a chance to live.
    She leaned back in the chair and closed her eyes. The years rolled backward and she recalled all the close times with her mother. How she wished her mother was there to help her now! Was there no other way? Could Briana stoop so low? Was the fact that Charles’s life might be saved a pardoning grace in the guilt of this conspiracy?
    Yes. Charles had to have a chance.
    With a silent prayer, Briana lifted misty eyes to Gavin and said, “I will do it.”
    His eyes sparkled. “I knew you would. You’re stubborn, but you’re not stupid.”
    “One thing,” Briana said quickly, her expression grim. “You will not touch me. You will not try to get me into your bed. That is not part of our agreement. That must be understood from the beginning. I want your word of honor,” she said solemnly, wondering fleetingly if Gavin had any honor.
    “Oh, you have my word,” he said airily. “There are plenty of other women around, Briana. I don’t lie awake at night thinking about you.”
    He stood. “I’m going now to make arrangements for the money to provide care for your brother, and also to arrange our passage to America. We’ll leave as soon as I can get everything taken care of. Meanwhile, go to Dani’s room and begin packing her clothes. You will fit into them, I’m sure. Alter whatever needs altering.”
    He went to the door, then paused to warn, “You will not say anything about this to anyone. I demand the utmost secrecy.”
    Briana nodded agreement. She certainly didn’t want anyone knowing. “You have my word.”
    Gavin left and hurried to the house, relief making him elated. But he knew the next part would be difficult.
    He entered the house and went straight to Alaina’s room, where he found her seated at her mahogany desk, studying the family ledgers.
    He stood behind her, lowering his hands to dip down inside the bodice of her dressing gown and caress her breasts.
    A ripple of pleasure went through Alaina, but she refused to yield to desire. “Not now, Gavin. I’m going over the books. I’m in no mood for lovemaking.”
    He nibbled her ear. “You will be in a very different mood when I tell you that our worries are over, my darling.”
    She twisted around to stare up at him. “What are you talking about? We’re destitute.”
    He fingered the diamond-and-emerald necklace she was wearing, one of the last of the deBonnett family jewels. It was her favorite. The Count had given it to her when they married. It had been in Count deBonnett’s family for six generations and was very valuable.
    He took her hands and drew her to her feet, leading her

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