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When light had spoken through his
knowledge to those who have committed
mouth, as well as his voice which gave
sin in their error. Make firm the foot of
birth to life, he gave them thought and
those who have stumbled and stretch out
understanding and mercy and salvation
your hands to those who are ill. Feed
and the powerful spirit from the infinitethose who are hungry and give repose to ness and the sweetness of the Father.
those who are weary, and raise up those
Having made punishments and tortures
who wish to rise, and awaken those who
cease—for it was they which were leadsleep. For you are the understanding that ing astray from his face some who were
is drawn forth. If strength acts thus, it
in need of mercy, in error and in bonds—
becomes even stronger. Be concerned
he both destroyed them with power and
with yourselves; do not be concerned
confounded them with knowledge. He
with other things which you have rejected
became a way for those who were gone
from yourselves. Do not return to what
astray and knowledge for those who were
you have vomited to eat it. Do not be
ignorant, a discovery for those who were
moths. Do not be worms, for you have
searching, and a support for those who
already cast it off. Do not become a
were wavering, immaculateness for those
(dwelling) place for the devil, for you
who were defiled.
have already destroyed him. Do not
He is the shepherd who left behind the
strengthen (those who are) obstacles to
you who are collapsing, as though (you
every form (and) every sound. For it is
were) a support (for them). For the lawnot the ears that smell the fragrance, but less one is someone to treat ill rather than
(it is) the breath that has the sense of
the just one. For the former does his work
smell and attracts the fragrance to itself
as a lawless person; the latter as a righand is submerged in the fragrance of the teous person does his work among others.
Father, so that he thus shelters it and takes
So you, do the will of the Father, for you
it to the place where it came from, from
are from him.
the first fragrance which is grown cold. It
For the Father is sweet and in his will is
is something in a psychic form, being like
what is good. He has taken cognizance of
cold water which has frozen (?), which is
the things that are yours that you might
on earth that is not solid, of which those
find rest in them. For by the fruits does
who see it think it is earth; afterwards it
one take cognizance of the things that are
dissolves again. If a breath draws it, it
yours because the children of the Father
gets hot. The fragrances, therefore, that
are his fragrance, for they are from the
are cold are from the division. For this
grace of his countenance. For this reason
reason faith came; it dissolved the divithe Father loves his fragrance and manision, and it brought the warm pleroma of fests it in every place, and if it mixes with
love in order that the cold should not
matter he gives his fragrance to the light
come again but there should be the unity
and in his repose he causes it to surpass
of perfect thought. . . .
The Gospel of the Savior
The most recent Gospel to be discovered is called the Gospel of the Savior.
It poses real difficulties for translator and reader alike, since so much of its text has been destroyed (i.e., there are numerous holes in the manuscript).
Nonetheless, it was obviously once an intriguing account of Jesus’ life—or at least of his last hours. For the surviving portion of the text recounts the final instructions of Jesus to his disciples, his prayer to God that the “cup”
might be taken away from him, and then a final address—to the cross itself.
Whether this Gospel originally contained an entire account of Jesus’ life and death cannot be determined.1
There are numerous differences between the surviving passages of this Gospel and the parallel accounts in the New
Kim Wilkins
Dorian Cirrone
James Bacque
Wilbur Smith
Terry Spear
Stephen R. Donaldson
Daniel Quinn
C. L. Stone
Alyssa Morgan
Louis L'amour