Lost in Light
of his body like a physical touch against me, tugging on my stiff nipples and teasing the bare and swollen lips of my sex.
    Touch me, for the love of God, please just touch me! I screamed inside my mind, my back arching towards him as my fingers curled around the edge of the buffet at my back.
    His eyes smoldered in his shadowed face as he looked down at me, his tongue running along his bottom lip with deliberate slowness.
    “Are you a fan of Adams?” he asked, stepping away casually as if nothing had happened, turning back to the table that now held a large bowl of berries and another bowl of whipped cream.
    “He’s been my favorite artist since I was nine. I named my cat after him,” I confessed sheepishly.
    Sliding back into his chair at the table Professor Davis regarded me silently for a moment, his eyes sweeping over me from head to toe made me fight the urge to fidget.
    “Would you like some dessert?” he finally asked, his voice smooth and full of hidden meaning. My gaze flickered between the bowl of berries on the table in front of him and his lips.
    “Yes, please.”
    “Have you been a good girl?” he asked with a teasing smile. “Did you follow all of my instructions?”
    Flushing at the realization that this was the moment of truth, I nodded.
    Behind me Alex Clare’s crooning voice began to pour out of the speakers as he sang the slow and sultry tune of “Relax My Beloved,” the pulsing dub step beats a driving counterpoint to his smoky voice. I pushed away from the buffet and slowly walked towards him, my palms hot and clammy at my sides. Leisurely he pushed his chair back several paces, angling it to one side to face me, his chin resting on his curled fist as he watched me approach.
    “Show me,” he said smoothly, though there was an undercurrent of heat in his words, his eyes glimmering with dark hunger.
    With trembling fingers I grasped the hem of my skirt, closing my eyes in embarrassment as I lifted it to show him the confirmation of my obedience. The air currents in the room moving around my exposed nether region made me shudder and bite my lip viciously to hold back a moan of hedonistic pleasure.
    Who would ever have thought that I would enjoy this so much? I really am a pervert !
    “Come closer,” he instructed in the same smooth tone. With an anxious toss of my head I took one step, then another, and another, until he told me to stop. Opening my eyes just a fraction I could see him in my hazy vision through my lashes, his face a picture of raw hunger and wonder as he gazed at me. “Up on the table.”
    His eyes, full of command, slid up to meet mine for a brief moment before returning to my exposed skin. I perched awkwardly on the edge of the dining table in front of him, scooting backwards on the smooth wood until my backside was fully on the cool surface.
    “Place your feet here,” he said, indicating the arms of his chair. Releasing the hem of my skirt I braced myself on the edge of the table as I lifted first one foot and then the other, placing them cautiously on the arms of his chair, my cheeks burning at the thought of the view I was giving him.
    “Exquisite,” he breathed in what I could only interpret as adoration, his warm exhalation dancing over my exposed skin, drawing a startled moan from my lips.
    “Was this your first time?” he asked as he laid the back of each hand against my inner thighs and gently guided my knees further apart. Unable to speak, I nodded slowly as I watched him lean in closer to me, my blush deepening until I thought I might burst into flame.
    “You did exceptionally well. So smooth,” he praised, brushing a single finger over my hairless mound. His simple touch almost brought me out of my skin as I gasped and rose off the table in surprise.
    “My roommate gave me some pointers,” I gasped as I slowly eased back down onto the table.
    “How industrious of you,” he said, tracing his finger over me again and smiling devilishly at my deep moan

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