Lone Bean

Lone Bean by Chudney Ross Page B

Book: Lone Bean by Chudney Ross Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chudney Ross
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hold it. I struggled to trace the M ’s and N ’s, and then with no dots to follow, it was a mess. Even though it took like what seemed like forever, I finally finished and had time to check my email before dinner, and—guess what? There was an email from Tanya!
    To: [email protected]
    From: [email protected]
    Subject: Miss u!
    Hey B.
    Sorry Ive been so MIA. Computer broke and lotsa work at school. Hope things get better 4 u. How r things w/Carla? You makin new friends? I have a friend named Donna. Shes soooo funny. Ud love her!
    Hope 2 see u soon.
    I was so happy to hear from her. I missed her a whole bunch and I had so much to tell her. Typing wasn’t too bad with a broken finger because I only use two fingers anyway, so I emailed her right back.
    To: [email protected]
    From: [email protected]
    Subject: Re: Miss u!
    Guess what? I broke my finger 2day and went 2 hospital and got 2 c my bones in an xray. Carla and me r friends again and now I have other friends 2. Im learnin violin and gettin kinda good, u no. Im gonna be in a perfomenc soon.
    â€œDinnertime,” Mom called just as I logged off.
    I skipped into the kitchen feeling g-o-o-d GOOD. I hopped right into my seat, flipped my napkin in my lap, and swung my legs to the tune I was humming. Mom scooped some chicken and potatoes and peas onto my plate and boy, did it smell yummy. But, when it was time to dig in, my happy mood turned m-a-d MAD. It was so hard to hold that stinkin’ fork!
    Gardenia kept laughing like a hyena every time peas dropped all over my lap. Rose laughed when my chicken fell off my plate, and Mom and Dad laughed too. I didn’t think it was very funny at all. . . . Okay, maybe just a little.
    After dinner, the worst thing of all happened. I pulled out my violin to practice, but I couldn’t even hold the stupid bow with my dumb, broken finger. It hurt really bad when I pushed down on the strings with the bow, so all I could make was sick-cat, screechy sounds, instead of the good “Twinkle Twinkle” sounds that I had learned. Just when I thought I was starting to sound pretty good, I was worse than ever.

Chapter 15
No Practice Makes Not Perfect
    B efore I knew it, Thanksgiving was here. I love Thanksgiving because I love turkey and stuffing and sweet potato pie and I love, love, love that I don’t have to go to school.
    My finger still had the splint on, so luckily, my sweet potatoes stuck to the fork and no one yelled at me when I ate my turkey with my fingers. I left my greens and cranberries right on my plate because I knew they were gonna be slippery. Well, also because cranberries are icky and greens are yucky.
    On Friday, Dad wanted me to practice, but it was too hard to hold the bow with the splint on my finger. I didn’t care though, because someone was knocking at the door—and I knew just who it was.
    â€œHey, Bean.” Carla greeted me with a big, warm best-friend kinda hug. “How was Thanksgiving dinner?”
    â€œDelicious!” I licked my lips.
    Sam was at the door too. Did you know that having lots of friends is even better than just having one best friend? When Carla can’t talk on the phone because she has to finish her homework, I have a whole bunch of other friends I can call. And when I need help climbing the fence on the playground, I have more hands to give me a boost.
    â€œWanna go to 7-Eleven and share a Slurpee? I’ve got two dollars,” Sam suggested, and you know, I love Slurpees. I grabbed my jacket and we marched right out the back door and down the stairs.
    We passed by Rose and Gardenia, who were playing hopscotch outside.
    â€œWhere are you guys going?” Gardenia yelled in my direction. I just ignored her, like she always does to me. I have my own friends now.
    We walked past the line of garbage cans. Black is for trash, blue for things that can be recycled, like Coke cans

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