London Harmony: Water Gypsy

London Harmony: Water Gypsy by Erik Schubach

Book: London Harmony: Water Gypsy by Erik Schubach Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erik Schubach
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New Zealand transplant, could be a blonde glamour model out of some magazine but is so very down to earth and runs her own accountancy. Paya was blessed with her father's exotic looks and her mother's beauty, and a light caramel skin tone that was just so bloody unfair to the rest of us with pasty complexions. I hate her for that, in the best possible way, of course. I giggled internally.
    The Doshi's were sort of my surrogate family, much closer than my pseudo-family on the boats. They included me in family things like this often. I always have kind of viewed them as my second set of parents and Paya as my sister since I have known them since I was in primary school. Evelyn looked back with a mischievous smile. “Now why can't you have proper manners like our Tabby here Paypay.”
    Mrs. Doshi is the only person I don't mind calling me Tabby. My bestie cringed at her nickname and stuck her tongue out at me. “Is it pick on Paya day?” The three of us replied in unison, “Yes.” Then we shared a chuckle.
    Church went well, I didn't burst into flames, nor was an attempt at exorcism performed on me. I took it as a good sign when a bolt of lightning didn't shoot down from the heavens to smite me... that's always a plus right?
    The preacher or priest, or minister, or whatever he was called, didn't get too... preachy. I'm not sure what I believe, but until I decide, I have always been uncomfortable with people trying to shove their beliefs down my throat. This guy wasn't that way nor were the Doshi's, so I just enjoyed the 'family' time.
    The elder Doshi's went to confession while we waited. Then we were off to brunch. Evelyn is worse than her daughter. She had me going up for seconds and thirds. Telling me, she's worried I don't eat enough. What is their obsession with what I eat? I haven't died of starvation that I know of.
    After thanking them when they dropped me off back at home, I spent the rest of the day obsessing over my time with Teresa, fun version, and practicing my lessons. The memory of that delicate kiss kept me distracted.
    The next day, after my morning routine and walking Terminator for Mrs. Thatcher, since she was feeling under the weather, I headed to work with a silly smile on my face.
    I stutter stepped by the food carts. Bloody hell! I hadn't had breakfast that morning nor prepared a lunch, it had slipped my mind since I walked Terminator. Paya would kill me. I cussed at myself and grabbed a breakfast Reuben and a coffee. I'll never get ahead on my savings if I kept that up. Then scurried off to the Conservatoire as I devoured half the food and tucked the rest away for lunch.
    I was grinning when my Indian friend let me in the door. I admitted to myself I was excited to see Teri today. My smile got a cocked eyebrow from the evil woman who knows me too well. I rolled my eyes and she gave a delighted chuckle as we punched in.
    I spent some extra time making sure I cleaned Teresa's office well, then moved to the break room. This one I dreaded, each week it had been a right mess and took a little extra time for us to put back in order. We just chatted as we worked, we didn't get much chance during the day as we were usually in different parts of the building or couldn't be heard over the cleaning equipment.
    Then lunch rolled around and before I darted off to the storage room she stopped me. “You do have lunch right?”
    I nodded and said as if it were an insult, “Of course. Do you think I'm daft and would forget?” I held up the little paper sack with my leftovers from breakfast.
    She nodded with a smirk on her face as she more stated than asked, “You forgot didn't you?”
    I squished my head down to my shoulders and nodded through my smile and gave a conspiratorial, “Quite.” We shared a laugh and parted ways.
    I spent my tea listening to the lesson in the room beyond, reading the book and singing along with the group on the other side of the wall. I hopped up when lunch was concluding, placed my

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