Lola's House (Lola Series)

Lola's House (Lola Series) by Suzie Groers Page B

Book: Lola's House (Lola Series) by Suzie Groers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Suzie Groers
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house, I’ve told you this countless times before.’  I feel the frustration bubbling up inside me as my voice gets louder.
    ‘Don’t raise your voice at me young lady.’
    ‘Sorry, but there’s no need for Alex to put himself out on my account, I’m fine as I am.’  I hear the water turn off in the shower room.  ‘Anyway, I have to go now, mom.  I’ll catch you soon.’  I end the call before she can come back with anything further.
    I help Robert dish out the Spaghetti Bolognese and he cracks open a bottle of red wine.  We sit down and I tuck in straight away as the smell of garlic is now driving me insane. 
    ‘Was everything okay with your mom?’  Robert winds the spaghetti round his fork several times but pauses before he puts it into his mouth.  ‘It’s just I heard you shouting while I was in the shower.’
    I munch down the mouthful of spaghetti and take a sip of wine to wash it down before answering.  ‘Yes, sorry about that.  She keeps harping on about selling the house.’
    ‘Why would you want to sell a house like this?’ He sa ys, slurping spaghetti through his lovely lips.
    ‘My point exactly.   It would literally break my heart to hand the keys over to a stranger.’  I drink some more wine and feel the warmth spreading through my body, relaxing my muscles as it goes.  Just what I need to de-stress after a conversation with my mom.
    ‘I can see you really love the house and it’s coming along well.  Although, your builders might need a kick up the arse if you don’t mind me saying.’
    ‘No, I know they do but I’m stuck at work most of the time so I can’t see what they get up to everyday.  I pop back when I can, but I can’t leave the shop for too long as my assistant is only in part-time.’
    ‘Well I’m here all day, I’d happily keep an eye on them, if that’s okay with you?’
    ‘Oh would you?’  I stop shovelling food into my mouth.  ‘I mean, if it doesn’t keep you away from your day job.  It would be great if someone could jolly them up a bit.  The job would be done so much faster and it might even end up costing me less.’
    ‘It’s no trouble.  I would feel better if I thought they weren’t taking advantage of you.’
    ‘Oh, Robert, that’s really sweet.’  I think I will have to look at Robert in a whole new light from today.  Who knew he would turn out to be so useful to have around the house?
    After we have finished dinner Robert opens another bottle of wine and we continue chatting for the next couple of hours.  I tell him about the house, Gran and Granddad and about living with James, splitting from James and getting back together with James.  I tell him how I feel about being back with him and my doubts about the relationship.  It isn’t like me to be so free and easy with my personal life but I think the wine has really loosened my tongue.  As it gets dark outside Robert gets up and stacks the plates into the dishwasher.  I have really enjoyed taking to him and don’t want it to end, so when he asks me if I want to pop over to the Waddling Duck for the last hour I am more than willing to join him.
    We find a table in the corner of the pub, having spent the first half an hour chatting to Mike and several regulars at the bar.  I am dying to know some of Robert’s back history so in my subtle way, and my bravado helped along by the large quantity of wine I have already consumed, I jump straight in.  ‘So, Robert, how are you still single?’
    A look of surprise flicker s across his face and he picks up his pint and takes a generous gulp.  It seems like ages before he replies.  ‘I left my fiancé in Edinburgh.’
    ‘Oh, does she not mind you living so far away?’  Not for the first time this week I feel myself deflate, he really d oes have a girlfriend after all, not that it should make any difference to me, but I am only human. 
    ‘We split up the day I left.’  He pick s up his glass again, poised by

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