Little Miss and the Law
she had little choice. There was no other way to get help.
    She hesitated before calling Mackenzie, but there was nothing for it. She remembered no-one else's number, they were all on her cellphone. Mackenzie might hang up on her, but it was worth a try anyway.
    The phone rang a few times, and Stephanie found herself getting nervous.
    "Hello?" Mackenzie's voice came over the line. Stephanie felt herself flooded with relief.
    "Hi, Mackenzie, its Stephanie, we met, uh, earlier today," she stumbled over her words.
    "Hello Stephanie, how are you?" Mackenzie was calm, unruffled, her slight accent making her sound even more relaxed.
    "I, well, not good, I broke down on the motorway and I was..."
    "Where are you?"
    She didn't need to finish the request for help. She gave Mackenzie her approximate location and agreed to wait for her to arrive.
    Stephanie hung up the phone with a smile, and turned around just in time to see a semi truck plough into the back of her car and send it several yards up the road in a roar of bending metal and a shower of sparks.
    Contrary to Mackenzie's fears, it was easy to find Stephanie. It was easy to find Stephanie because there were flashing police and fire lights and a pile of metal on the road that may or may not have been a car at one time.
    In amongst the officers and past the wildly gesticulating angry man in a torn vest, Mackenzie spotted Stephanie sitting at the side of the road, a reflective blanket over her shoulders. She looked shaken and scared and small.
    Mackenzie drew over out of the range of other traffic and strode over towards the scene.
    "Mackenzie!" The look of relief on Stephanie's face was clear as she stood up to greet her.
    "Hello my dear," Mackenzie said, drawing the smaller woman into a hug. She looked like she needed one, and Mackenzie's heart went out to her. Stephanie sunk into her arms without complaint and held on tightly as tears began to flow. "Oh, it's all my fault," she wailed.
    "It's not your fault you broke down," Mackenzie replied, rubbing Stephanie's back comfortingly. "These things happen."
    "No! They said it was out of gas. I ran it dry," Stephanie confessed with a guilty little look.
    "I see." Mackenzie frowned. "Are you okay? Is anyone hurt?"
    Stephanie shook her head and wiped her eyes on her sleeve. "No, the other driver is okay. He is mad though."
    "I'll bet."
    When her car had been taken away on the back of a truck, and the police allowed her to go, Mackenzie took Stephanie by the hand and lead her to her car.
    "You're coming home with me tonight," she said firmly.
    "Thank you," Stephanie said quietly. She was dirty and tired and on the verge of tears from stress.
    "And you can take tomorrow off, you look like you need the rest." Mackenzie added.
    "I...can't..." Stephanie began to protest, but Mackenzie shot her a look that indicated clearly what she had said had not been a suggestion.
    Lapsing into silence, Stephanie stared at her lap, feeling like a child in trouble with her stern mother. Ever since she confessed that the accident had been partially her fault, there had been a tension about Mackenzie. Oh, she had been kind and comforting, but there was that definite tension in the atmosphere, one that told Stephanie she was in trouble without a word needing to be spoken.
    Mackenzie's place turned out to be an apartment. A lovely open plan affair with deep, luxurious carpets and interesting tribal style art works on the walls. Mackenzie showed Stephanie the shower and Stephanie gratefully took advantage of it, sighing happily as jets of hot water covered her body and massaged away many of the cares of the day. She emerged wrapped in fluffy towels.
    "You and I need to have a little talk," Mackenzie noted from the kitchen, from which delicious spicy smells were emanating. Stephanie's mouth watered as she nodded.
    Mackenzie stepped out of

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