Line of Fire

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Book: Line of Fire by Simone Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Simone Anderson
Tags: Gay & Lesbian
their evaluation, his lover could lose his place on the teams or his whole military career.
    Grabbing his shower bag and a towel, Christian made his way to the showers. What happened if Hayden was no longer a SEAL? What if he received a medical discharge? Did it matter? Could he handle dating less than the perfect man? Christian turned the water on, stripped and stepped blindly under the spray.
    Did it matter ?
    Christian let the water wash away the stress and tension along with the dirt and grime. Thoughts, possibilities and scenarios chased each other, each wanting to be heard as his head and heart tried to reach some sort of consensus. It didn’t matter whether or not Hayden would stay a SEAL or in the military. It didn’t really matter who knew if he was gay. He not only wanted a chance with Hayden, he wanted to know if what he was feeling was love. True love.
    They were waiting for him, ambushing him when he left the showers.
    “Christian, what the fuck did Ellison say?” Jason demanded, grabbing his arm.
    “They found him. He was sent to Balboa this morning. He’ll be home in a few days.”
    There were Hoo Yaas and whoops of celebration that reverberated throughout the locker room. Christian pulled away from his friends and made his way to his locker. Dressing automatically, he relaxed slightly. Hayden was coming home. Days. Hours. It was still home. They had months before some of them would rotate into the desert. Home was better than missing. He made a mental list of things to do, starting with applying for leave.
    “Hey, the rest of Hayden’s team just landed,” Jason said poking his head around the corner.
    “Great. Another reason to celebrate.”
    * * * *
    Hayden stared at the book he’d bought at the hospital gift shop, not seeing the words on the page as the plane prepared to land. Christian hadn’t been allowed to fly up to meet him and his teammates had been sent home fifteen hours after they’d found him. Sending him home by military transport had taken longer, but there were less people to deal with. Right now he just wanted a cold beer and his bed. And Christian.
    He’d been lucky. Bruises would fade and cuts would heal. The experience, however, was one that would probably always haunt him. He’d been partially cleared by the doctors and psychologists at the hospital, but there would be more evaluations before they declared him fit for duty. The Navy was giving him two weeks off.
    If nothing else, at least he could jack-off in peace. Images of a strong muscular body came to mind, and he smiled at their memory. The time apart had been good. He knew he’d pushed Christian to come out faster than the other man was comfortable. Even though Hayden had been completely comfortable with his sexuality, he’d still refused to come out to his teammates until he’d been left with no choice. Both times he’d been outted, it had been because of someone else.
    As the wheels touched down, relief filled him. He hoped Brian, somebody, was there to pick him up. He wanted to see Christian, but wasn’t sure what the other man knew where he was. He’d made Christian his next of kin, but they hadn’t told him if they’d notified him. Taking a deep breath, he grabbed the small backpack, shoved the book into it and made his way out of the plane. What gear he had left should be waiting for him at Brian’s.
    Walking out into the bright afternoon sun, Hayden squinted and looked for a familiar face. His heart soared. Christian stood in jeans and a black t-shirt just outside the authorized personnel door. He wasn’t going to run. He wasn’t going to run.
    Christian ran. At him.
    Hayden flinched. The air was pushed out of his lungs as Christian picked him up and crushed in him a bear hug.
    “God, you’re home. You’re safe,” Christian said kissing him. “Missed you. Love you.”
    “Christian,” Hayden said, trying to get his bearings. Trying to put the Christian he knew with the Christian who was holding

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