Lily's Leap

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Book: Lily's Leap by Tea Cooper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tea Cooper
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stomach sank. The title deeds. He’d known from the moment she had spoken of the red seal what George was after. The title deeds to the land grant he had been awarded after his first expedition would legalize Dungarven’s claim to his land. He wasn’t sure how he was going to get around it but right now he wanted Lily to concentrate on the task ahead and not worry about something that would take a deal of time and legalities to sort out. “I’m not certain exactly what he took Lily, and I won’t be until I sort this mess out.” He gestured at the haphazard debris of his life still strewn in chaos after George’s frantic searching.
    “All your maps, the title deeds…” He stared at her as the blush rose to her face, knowing immediately how she had spent her time when he’d left her alone in the room. He was a fool. It hadn’t occurred to him she would rifle through his papers, through his belongings. He clamped his jaw together and took several deep breaths before he answered her.
    “Lily, these are my private concern.” He waved his arm toward the corner of the room. “I obviously–mistakenly–believed I could trust you not to go foraging through my possessions.” For a moment her head hung and he felt a flicker of sympathy for her, knowing he would have done exactly the same in her position. Unexpectedly her face lifted and her eyes blazed at him.
    “The maps are of the area around Wordsworth, similar to those my father has.” Her hands came to her hips, “George took a set of title deeds didn’t he? I’m not a fool. I know what title deeds are.”
    His cursed inwardly at his stupidity. They should have dealt with this last night, not now, not when they needed to leave, not when he had given his word to help her. He’d lowered his guard, been swayed by his emotions. He closed his eyes momentarily, drawing on every ounce of his patience and addled brainpower to make a rational decision.
    “Yes they were, Lily, and it is something we need to discuss later. Now is not the time if you want to get to Windsor for the races. It’s your decision.” He saw the fight seep out of her as she weighed up the alternatives.
    “Windsor.” She said through gritted teeth and pulled her cape around her and made for the door.
    The rain fell in torrents, a deluge heavier than Lily had seen in years. Sheets of painful horizontal water slashed across her face and filled her eyes. The once majestic but somnolent river had become a furious torrent tearing at the banks and smashing through everything in its path dragging shrubs and debris in its wake. The riverbank had turned to a quagmire, the tracks crumbling as the water rose and Lily shuddered at the sucking sound erupting every time Nero lifted his hooves. She pulled her sodden cloak around her yearning for the comfort of the bed at The Settler’s Arms and the warmth of Tom’s body.
    “We have to cross here. We cannot afford to risk the ferry at Wiseman’s. The longer we leave it the higher the water level with rise.” His words only added to her misery.
    The rain slanted across her face, each drop stinging her skin as it pelted down. She edged Nero closer to Tom. The rushing water and torrential rain almost drowned out his speech however she had heard enough to make her stomach plummeted at the thought of entering the swollen river. “How can we get across?”
    “It’ll be alright if we’re careful, we can swim the horses across. We have to move quickly.”
    Lily’s heart pounded as she looked down at the churning brown waters. “The horses won’t be able to carry us across and I’m not a strong enough swimmer.” She cringed at her plaintive voice and an unexpected wave of panic swept through her. She eyed the swirling waters with dread, imagining the horror of being sucked down below the murky, darkness. Her lungs filling with water as she gasped unable to hold her breath. She shuddered and pulled her cloak tightly around her, and she shook her

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