Lillian's Light Horseman

Lillian's Light Horseman by Jasmine Hill Page A

Book: Lillian's Light Horseman by Jasmine Hill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jasmine Hill
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
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realization of her father’s depravity. He stood and moved to sit beside her on the bed.
    “Come here,” he ordered softly and pulled her onto his lap. “It’s done now. Let’s leave the past in the past and focus on the future.” He rocked her gently in his arms.
    Slowly, her tears abated and he felt her start to relax against him. Exhaustion over the day’s events had finally taken its toll and she’d fallen asleep. He held her closely for a few minutes, not wanting to wake her. When he was sure that she was in a deep slumber, he lifted her gently and placed her back on the bed. He drew the covers up to her neck and tucked her in securely, placing a kiss on her forehead.
    Taking the lamp, he left Lillian’s bedroom and made his way to his own. A sudden weariness overwhelmed him. He needed to sleep on everything that had occurred that day and he was sure that a way ahead for them would present itself to him in the morning.
    There was one thing on which he had no doubts—he wouldn’t allow Lillian to leave him again.

Chapter Twelve
    When Lillian awoke, the sun shining brightly in her bedroom told her it was much later than she usually arose. She checked the bedside clock and was startled to find that it was just past ten a.m.
    As she struggled to wake fully, the events of the previous day crowded her foggy mind until sudden comprehension had her instantly alert. Through all the events and emotions that had unfolded, she felt as if she’d lived an entire lifetime in the span of twenty-four hours. She couldn’t quite believe she’d experienced so many intense reactions—fear, panic, lust, love and sorrow—in such a short period of time.
    She recalled making love with William and her body tingled deliciously. Never had her immature fantasies come close to touching on the reality of what she’d experienced with William. She blushed fiercely, remembering what it felt like to have his mouth on her—everywhere. She couldn’t believe that she’d done those things—and enjoyed them.
    Too quickly, her thoughts turned to William’s proclamation that he’d felt ashamed and it was as though a bucket of cold water had been poured over her. Of course he was ashamed. She shouldn’t have acted like she had—wanton and immoral. It was little wonder that he regretted what they’d done. Worse still, she had no idea how she should behave around him from this point forward and that made her nervous. She was so inexperienced with the act of lovemaking that she was clueless about his expectations and their current relationship status.
    Her thoughts then brought her full circle to what her father had done to them all those years ago and a fresh wave of pain stabbed her. She understood that her father had always been somewhat disreputable, but the things she’d discovered since his death had her realizing that she hadn’t really known him at all.
    A soft knock on her door startled her out of her reverie and she turned to see Mrs. Thompson bustling into her room bearing a tray laden with tea and bread.
    Lillian sat up quickly and shuffled back to rest against the headboard. “Mrs. Thompson, please, you don’t have to do this,” she said in embarrassment. “I’m quite capable of coming to the kitchen. In fact, I should have been up and about hours ago.”
    “Nonsense,” the older woman declared and placed the tray on Lillian’s lap. “After the ordeal you had yesterday, you must rest. You could have caught your death out there in the cold.” She reached across to lay a hand on Lillian’s forehead.
    “I’m quite well,” Lillian assured her. “Just a little tired.”
    “It’s no wonder. Now I want you to stay put and eat something. Food will do you a world of good.”
    “But the children—”
    “The children are fine. At the moment, they’re in my kitchen helping me bake bread and scones and having a world of fun doing it,” she said with a laugh. “Take your time. Eat something and join us

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