Life Over Love

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Book: Life Over Love by Cheryl Seagraves Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheryl Seagraves
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and involuntarily jerked away from him.
    He was sorry immediately, he gathered her close to his chest, and murmured soothingly into her hair. She understood that she had reacted normally, the same as anyone else who had been through what she had.
    Understanding didn’t make her feel like any less of a freak though, and she wanted to feel like a normal, desirable woman, if only for a moment. She felt so overwhelmed by her inadequacies that she couldn’t help, but to cry into his chest.
    He laid with her for a while giving her the time she needed to cry it out, and him self the time to catch his breath. He sat her up and brought her with him. “Brianna I’m sorry I almost lost it for a minute, I’m usually more in control of myself than this. I uh don’t know what’s gotten into me. No that’s not true, I do know what’s gotten into me, you have, it’s you.”
    H e felt like a babbling idiot. He wanted to look into her eyes and tell her these things. So when he asked her to look at him, and she’d complied he wondered what he had gotten himself into with this one, and marveled that he had been able to stop at all.
    To Ryker she was so alluring, she stirred in him a fierce need to experience everything about her, and it wasn’t just the physical stuff either. From the first day he’d seen her at the store, he’d been curious about her, but after the short time just being with her, seeing her play with her kids, he’d been smitten.
    The way she said whatever popped into her head, her pride , temper, vulnerability, lack of guile, sense of humor, all intrigued him. Everything seemed to contradict itself, he felt comfortable, like they’d been close friends for years. Sounds predictable, even a little boring, and right?  But at the same time he sensed that she would never cease to surprise him, as if she never did the same thing twice, the same way, and that could be fun.
    He liked open direct people, and most women that he knew n ever just laid it all out there. He didn’t have to know her personally to see that Brianna was her most authentic self, it was evident seeing her with her children or at her job.  He covered the hand she’d laid on his chest, rubbing her soft skin absentmindedly with his thumb, while he thought about what was happening.
    She smiled because even though she barely knew him , she could see the struggle to put into words what he really wanted to say, and she guessed that rarely ever happened, because he seemed a little unnerved.
    He swallowed hard and kissed her temple. She really made him laugh when she said “well, I seriously almost had my first one night stand.”  Brianna was silly tired and giggling she snuggled deeper into his arms. He reluctantly sat all the way up and was relieved when she scooted over and sat on her side of the bed hugging her knees.  Looking at her legs reminded him how perfect they had felt while wrapped around his waist, and he almost bumped his head on the low door frame in his haste to leave.
    He said something about having to get up early and rushed out to his squad car. He thought about her saying that he’d almost been her first one night stand and laughed loudly to himself. Putting the car in reverse he said aloud “Baby the night isn’t over yet,” and for his own good, sped out of the parking lot.
    He went straight home to test that cold shower theory, it would’ve done the trick, if he could erase the image of her writhing beneath him from his brain, but there she was, every single time he closed his eyes, even to blink.
    For the first time in his life he cursed his easily accessible, sexually explicit, mental rolodex , also known as every man’s brain. Finally giving up, he got out of the shower. Not even bothering to towel off, just threw it over his shoulder, and went to the kitchen to grab a cold beer.
    Still thinking about the day’s events Ryker took a long swig of his beer, thinking that no other woman had affected him so. He wasn’t

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