Life in Fusion
    “He’d wait until he knew for sure I wasn’t a freak before telling
    his parents about me.”
    Well thanks for emphasizing the fact I have yet to even mention any
    of this to them, cock sucker . “I’m going to tell them this week,” I
    blurted out, in order to defend myself. I hadn’t actually planned
    on doing so, but I suppose it had now been bumped up to the
    top of my to-do list. “We have a great relationship, actually…
    very um…open with each another.”
    Understatement of the century.
    “So I’ll be meeting them?” Wade was grinning from ear to ear
    as he now had me backed into a corner.
    “Soon,” I said, like he was totally over-reacting.
    “I for one can’t wait to meet them,” Jackie said, just before
    shoveling a fork full of linguini into her mouth.
    “Man this sauce is really good,” I said while chewing—my
    desperate attempt at trying to change the subject, even though
    it was true.
    “My mother’s secret recipe,” Pete said, proudly.
    82 Ethan Day
    “About the only good thing that woman gave us,” Del
    Pete set his wine glass down, staring down his wife. “That’s
    really nice, Del. She’s dead now—perhaps we can allow her to
    rest in peace.”
    Del shrugged like she hadn’t a clue in the world to what he
    was referring.
    “Still anxious to meet mom and pop?” I asked Wade.
    “Desperately,” Wade replied, refusing to let me off the hook.
    “Just remember you said that when she starts re-decorating
    your house.”
    Jackie set her fork down before wiping her mouth with the
    napkin. “Oh I won’t let him forget.”
    “I think that sounds like a lovely gesture,” Wade lied, “I’d be
    happy if she liked me enough to offer.”
    “Good! I’ll be sure to tell her you said that.” I turned to Del
    and Jackie. “My mother has the most…unique taste.”
    “I don’t care what you say.” Wade sat up in his chair. “You
    can’t scare me off.”
    “I wouldn’t dream of doing such a thing. Scare you? What
    would you possibly have to fear…stealing away the only child of
    an ex-beauty queen…dragging him hundreds of miles away…
    locking him away in your castle hidden in the mountains.”
    Wade took another bite, though he now appeared to be less
    confident than he had moments before, keeping one eye on my
    face while he chewed.
    “Every parent’s dream,” I began, wistfully staring off into the
    distance. “Having their children move away so they can see even
    less of them than they already do.”
    “Heaven.” Jackie sighed, now also staring off into space as
    Everyone began laughing accept Wade, who was trying
    to muster the joy required to join in, though now obviously
    Life in fusion 83
    rethinking his position on meeting my parents.
    “You’ve got a bit of an evil streak, don’t you?” Shep asked
    me, nodding his approval. He turned to Wade. “Maybe you can
    meet Boone’s parents next weekend?”
    Wade held up his hand. “Just simmer down there, buddy.
    Whenever Boone’s ready.”
    I laughed. “Such a patient man you’ve turned out to be.”
    Wade sneered at me, not enjoying the way I worked him over
    that last topic.
    “Well, the ladies and I did want to ask you both,” Del started,
    seeming unsure of how or if she should proceed. “We had an
    idea, that perhaps sometime over the next couple of months,
    once the tourist season dies down, we could throw you both a
    big party, invite the whole town—give everyone a chance to meet
    you—as a couple.”
    My mouth went dry suddenly, and I tried to smile. I just wasn’t
    sure if I’d been able to really sell it. “Wow, um.” I turned to Wade.
    “I think that’s so nice of you to offer, thank you so much.
    We’d be delighted.”
    Oh, hell no! He did not just accept for us!
    “Sure you wouldn’t like to ask your boyfriend, there?” Jackie
    asked, obviously enjoying the look on my face.
    Wade got a good dose, before I adjusted myself and slid the

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