Lexie and Killian

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Book: Lexie and Killian by Desiree Holt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Desiree Holt
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    Lexie played bartender, and soon each of the women held glasses. They nibbled on the appetizers, then filled plates with the delicious goodies and wandered into the living room, sharing their delicacies with their men.
    “Looks like the gals have found the bar.” Rogue put the last of the colorful packages under the tree.
    Jackson walked up to the group, holding four heavy tumblers of Dusty’s finest single-barrel whiskey. He handed one to each of his brothers. “I’m thinking we should each say a few words. Ladies?”
    “Let’s hear the toasts,” Marliss urged as she and Lou walked into the room, each carrying their own glass.
    “I’ll go first,” Lexie said, “if that’s okay. The best day of my life was the day Killian walked into it. Like everyone else, we’ve had our challenges.” She looked at Killian. “I’m grateful for the man he is and for the future we have together. I love you, Killian. Merry Christmas.”
    Everyone echoed Merry Christmas and took a sip of their drinks.
    “One more thing.” Lexi let her gaze travel around the room. “The date for my one-woman show has been set for February fourteenth. Valentine’s Day. In Savannah. I’d like to invite you all to be there if you can make it. It’s a really big day for me.”
    “It may sound corny,” he said, “but I feel truly blessed. I have a wonderful family, a perfect wife, and a life I wouldn’t trade for anything. That’s the best Christmas present of all.”
    They all made agreeing comments and took another drink.
    “And I have one more announcement to make.” He held out his arm, and Lexie moved into the circle of it. “We’re adding another Walker to the mix. Lexie and I are having a baby.”
    “Oh, my god!” Zoe rushed over and hugged Lexie. She was soon joined by the other women, adding their excitement.
    “Guess there’s no question about your motility,” Jackson joked.
    Killian grinned, remembering the conversation they’d had at the barbecue about the fertility of the sperm of his prized stallions.
    “Will you still be able to handle the show, being pregnant and all?” Rori asked. “That’s a lot to take on.”
    Killian smiled down at his wife. “I’ll make sure she gets pampered and coddled. The hard work’s already done. The paintings are finished. Next week, the shipping company is coming to crate them. Then the gallery will put together its catalogue, create the guest list for the special reception, and start the promotion.”
    “We’re so excited for you,” Zoe said.
    “And you know we’ll be there,” Kit added. “All of us.”
    “Thank you so much.” She blinked back tears.
    “Well, bless you both.” Marliss hurried over and gave Lexie a hug.
    “Thank you, Marliss.” She kissed the older woman’s cheek. “I hope you’ll be an honorary aunt to him. Or her.”
    “I will no matter what sex it turns out to be. I’ll just be excited to welcome another Walker into the clan.”
    Again, they raised their glasses and sipped.
    Rori leaned in close to her cowboy. “Since it’s the ladies’ turn to toast, I want to let everyone know that I’ve never been happier, thanks to Jackson. I’ve fallen in love. For the first time in my life.” She raised her glass in salute to Jackson. “And for the last time in my life.”
    Jackson pulled her close for a kiss. “You got that right, Rori darlin’. Merry Christmas.”
    Everyone gave mushy “awws” and laughed as both Rori and Jackson blushed a little.
    Kit raised her glass. “I’m grateful to be here and glad to put the trouble of the last few months behind us.” She didn’t elaborate, simply looked at her husband, obviously leaving it up to him what he’d share and what he’d choose to keep to himself. Everyone knew that sometimes Rogue Walker played his cards close to his vest. “I’ve never been happier, and I wish all of you the same.”
    Hunter chose that moment to trip and fall, and his wails rose to the rafters. The women

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