Leaving Triad
hated them with a passion. Ever since the
first ship landed.
    The aliens, the ones with the big heads,
wanted to take over Terra. There was a battle and casualties on
both sides. The bigheaded bastards were finally run off the planet,
but not before they set off several city destroying bombs. Captain
Lee’s entire family had been killed in one fell swoop. Though the
big heads were banned from ever returning to Terra, Lee was
determined to get his vengeance against them and all alien
    “Free him,” Captain Lee ordered his
    They didn’t hesitate to follow the Captain’s
orders. They released the collar from around the human’s neck.
Several guards rushed them, but Captain Lee shot them directly in
their foreheads.
    “Sir, we need to leave the outpost
    “Bring the man.” Captain Lee walked briskly
back toward the landing platforms. He went on board his ship. His
men followed close behind him dragging Jeremy with them.
    The captain headed to the command deck.
“Prepare for lift off.” He turned to look at Jeremy. “What is the
name of the alien pirate and his ship’s name?”
    “Captain Zor and his ship’s name is Galactic
    “You say he kidnapped your girlfriend?”
    “Yes, and took all my money.”
    “This girlfriend, did she go with him
willingly?” He would hunt the alien down no matter what. However,
some of his men did not carry the same beliefs that he did and
would need a reason to attack.
    Jeremy paused as he thought of what he should
say. If he told the captain that Emily was fucking the alien
captain, Captain Lee might not want to go after her. Jeremy wanted
more than anything to get his revenge on Emily and the alien scum.
He would have to lie.
    “She didn’t want to and was hurt when she
tried to fight. There’s no telling what they are doing to her.”
    The Captain nodded at Jeremy. “And you are
sure that you want her back?”
    “Of course I do.” Jeremy lied.
    “Very well. He is probably heading for the
next outpost. We’ll intercept his ship before he gets there,"
Captain Lee told him.
    “What will you do once you catch up to
Captain Zor?” Maybe he could convince them to let him off at the
next outpost. He wanted revenge but he didn’t want to get himself
killed in the process. No bitch was worth that.
    “I plan to kill him and every alien onboard
his ship.”
    “All of them?” Jeremy turned deathly
    “Every last one of them.”

Chapter Thirteen

    Zor sat in front of the control panel. They
were flying through an asteroid belt. The ride was bumpy as hell
and Zor could barely pay any attention, he couldn’t keep his mind
off last night with Emily. Did she know what it meant? God he
hoped she did, he wanted her to be his forever, and wanted her to
feel the same way. He couldn’t pay any attention to the
asteroids that were slamming into the side of the spaceship. He
tried dodging them but by the time he realized that they were
hitting his spaceship it was too late to do anything.
    He wished he could have Curly man the ship
alone, but that wasn’t possible with how bad the Asteroids were.
Seeing one just out of the corner of his eye, he moved the ship to
the left quickly but another asteroid slammed into the right of the
ship, hard.
    “Fuck!” Zor yelled as he almost flew out of
his seat.
    “Captain!” Curly yelled as the warning alarm
went off. “We’ve taken massive damage to the five outer hulls and
one engine is only working at half capacity, we need to land so our
mechanic can repair everything, we need the hulls fixed too.”
    “Shit.” He flipped a switch and pulled down
on the lever right in front of him. “There’s a planet not far away
from here, we can make port and see if they can help us.”
    The spaceship was going as fast as it
possibly could with only one working engine. It would take an hour
to get to the next planet with both of the engines working so with
only one working properly it could take up to

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