Learning to Breathe Again
told me as an officer
of the court and a concerned family member,” Paul informed
    “ Right. You might want to
come up with a better story. That one won’t stand up in court,”
Jack advised, as the nurse walked in pushing the
    The nurse gave Carly some instructions on
when to feed him and how to contact her if she needed any help and
then excused herself, allowing the family members to crowd around
Carly and the baby to admire him.
    Bayleigh waited a few minutes and then nudged
Jack’s arm with her elbow. “I’m guessing Carly would like to
breastfeed in private,” she whispered to him.
    “ Paul, how about I buy you
and Bayleigh a cup of coffee and we can go check out the driving
conditions?” he suggested to his friend. Carly gave Bayleigh a
smile of gratitude and then turned her attention back to her
    “ How is it you know so much
about childbirth and babies?” Paul asked as they moved towards the
    “ I had a friend whose
boyfriend didn’t want to be a daddy. I agreed to be the coach when
the time came,” Bayleigh explained. “It was before the band went to
Europe, right after I graduated from college.”
    “ Lucky us,” Jack murmured as
they exited the elevator and made their way to the coffee stand.
Paul excused himself when his cell phone rang, moving off to the
side to answer it. Jack ordered the three cups of coffee and Paul
joined them as they sat down at a table.
    “ Good news and bad news.”
Paul announced, sitting down across from Bayleigh. “The state
highway patrol has shut down most of the roads leading out of town;
the bridges are iced over and presenting too much of a risk, unless
it’s an emergency.” He paused to take a sip of his
    “ So we’re stuck here?”
Bayleigh glanced around the cafeteria. She’d managed to avoid the
panic attack last night, but she wasn’t sure how much longer she
could hold herself together. The euphoria from watching a baby
being born was fading fast.
    Paul gave a slight shake of his head. “Not
necessarily.” He looked over at Jack. “With your truck, you should
be able to make it out to your place, or your uncle’s. I just
wouldn’t try to make it back into town once you’re out there.”
    Jack nodded in understanding and turned to
Bayleigh. “It’s up to you. I’ve got plenty of food and supplies
back at the house,” he told her.
    “ I think I’d prefer to head
back to your place, if you don’t mind driving us there,” Bayleigh
told him. “I’ve kind of had enough of hospitals to last me a
lifetime, to tell the truth.”
    Jack reached under the table and gave her
hand a quick squeeze. “Then that is where we will go,” he promised
her, his eyes full of understanding.
    “ Give me a call when you get
out there, then, so I know you made it.” Paul instructed as he
stood back up and stretched. “I’m heading over to the office but my
cell will be on.”
    “ Will do.” Jack promised,
watching his friend walk to the elevator before turning back to
Bayleigh. He reached over with a finger and pushed a lock of hair
back away from her face. He could see the exhaustion that was
creeping into her eyes. “We just need to head back upstairs, tell
Carly where we’re going. Then I’ll take you home,” he told her.
Bayleigh gave him a brief smile, but he could see the appreciation
in her eyes.
    “ I almost forgot about
Carly. We can stay here if you want to be near her,” Bayleigh
offered but Jack cut her off.
    “ Her mother is here, as well
as a whole hospital full of doctors and nurses. She’ll be ok.” He
stood up and held his hand out to Bayleigh. “Besides, my head is
killing me. I just want to go home to my own bed.” With a grateful
smile, Bayleigh took his offered hand. They stopped in Carly’s room
to check on her and let her know what the plan was, and Jack
promised to call her later. Within minutes, they were headed out to
the parking lot.
    “ Maybe we should just stay

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