Laying Claim to the Soul
placing the leather binding around her wrist. He made sure that the leather would not mar her delectate skin, even though by the time Wol-itelm was finished with his little pet she would carry his love markings proudly on her body, soul and heart.
    Her gaze never left his while he traced a finger along the inside of her knee, lifting it up kissing the back of it. “You have beautiful, powerful legs, and soon they’ll be wrapped around my waist, but not yet. No, now I plan to explore you, inch by inch.” He ran his tongue over her skin and down the inside of her thigh, tasting the salt and sweetness that was only her.
    A little whimper escaped and he smiled. Tabatha would be making all sorts of noises by the time he was done with her. He reached under the bed and pulled out the satin rope, tying it around her knee, spreading her wide, but giving her some room to move as he adjusted the rope.
    “Perfect,” he bent down and placed a kiss on her womanly lips before moving to the other side of the bed and repeating the process, which only had her trying to squirm. He stood at the end of the bed and watched the slight tremor of shakes run through her legs and stomach.
    Her eyes were glazed over, needing his touch. Her scent was driving him crazy and could stir any animal to a sexual frenzy. There was no more waiting.
    Wol-itelm climbed onto the bed, in between her legs, kissing, and nipped the inside of each of her thighs before he licked around her pussy lips. The fluid that leaked from her, there were no words for the taste. He was addicted with one swipe of his tongue, his taste buds coming alive. Wol-itelm buried his tongue inside her.
    “Sir!” she screamed.
    “ Just starting ,” he sent her, sucking on her pussy lips, giving her little markings up and down them, starting the claiming of his kind, while fucking her with his tongue. She was so wet her juices slid down to her ass, lubing it for his fingers.
    Slowly, he inserted one finger into her neither hole, rocking it in and out, till his woman was ready for another stretching, knowing Tabatha would be taking him here later with Chax claiming her pussy and Hoyt her mouth.
    Tonight they would come together as one and not one person, alien or animal would destroy their union or they would suffer long and hard before he allowed them to pass onto the next leg of their journey.
    Taking one more dip into her pussy, Wol-itelm scooped out all he could with his tongue, enjoying the taste and all that was Tabatha. He slid his fingers free and rose to stare down at her. Her skin glistened with sweat, her color flushed, needing to come, but she wouldn’t until he was buried deep inside her pussy.
    Using his hand, Wol-itelm slid his cock up and down her lips, coating it before inching into her tight pussy. He grabbed onto her hips, raising her butt higher as the bonds on her legs disappeared.
    “Wrap those lovely legs around me,” he ordered and pushed another couple of inches inside her, feeling her walls squeeze his cock. Never taking his eyes off of her, Wol-itelm released her hips and slipped all the way into her.
    The little sound of pain and pleasure escaped her full lips when she called out his name and wrapped her legs around him, trying to hold him still. He licked her lips. “I’ll never be alone again. You will be at my side always, little pet, mine!” he nipped her bottom lip just as she started to move her hips, telling him she was ready for him to continue.
    He covered her mouth at the same time, withdrawing his cock from her pussy, only to push back in fast and hard, eating the gasp from her mouth. In and out his tongue and cock working to bring her body heat higher and higher.
    Between their bodies, Wol-itelm cupped her sensitive breasts and squeezed, knowing soon she would be feeding their children there.
    He picked up speed and pounded hard. This woman would want for nothing as long as Wol-itelm was around. She would be loved, pampered and cherished. Well,

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