Laure Donavan 2 - Ghouls Night Out
life behind, things would be more normal. I was just
asking for trouble by going to haunted locations. I should stay far
away from anywhere a ghost may be as possible. It was bad enough
that sometimes they tracked me down. I didn’t need to seek them
    Callahan held his picnic basket in one
hand, and a blanket in the other. It was one of those cute picnic
baskets with the red-and-white checked tablecloth stuffed inside. I
had no idea he was so detail-oriented to think of such particulars.
He was really getting use out of that thing. It seemed like forever
since we’d been on a picnic in the park for the summer concert. Had
it really only been two weeks? I looked down at his
    “ I guess you’re wondering
why I’m holding this.” He lifted the basket.
    I nodded. “The thought had crossed my
    “ Oh, come on. Who does this
guy think he is? You’re not falling for this malarkey, are you?”
Anthony stood behind me.
    If there was any way to shut Anthony
up permanently, I needed to find it. I would so get him later.
Okay, who was I kidding, I couldn’t get rid of the guy. He refused
to move on.
    “ Don’t fall for the nice
guy act. He just wants to get you into bed.”
    Okay, that comment was completely
uncalled for…Callahan was a complete gentleman.
    “ How about a picnic?” He
gestured with the basket.
    “ But it’s dark outside,” I
    “ Grab your jacket and we’ll
go right outside on your lawn and have a night picnic.” He motioned
over his shoulder. “The weather is so nice for this time of year, I
figured we should take advantage of it.”
    This was about the most romantic thing
anyone had ever done for me. Scratch that. It was the most romantic
thing. I guess it wouldn’t take much to make it to the top of that
list, though. Considering most of my previous dates thought it
romantic to make out in the Dairy Queen parking lot after sharing
an Oreo Blizzard. I’d been offered that ever-so enticing option by
a former date. I had turned down the offer. He seemed offended…go
    “ A night picnic?” I asked,
still amazed at this man standing on my front porch.
    The outside light cast a faint glow
over his strong features. But as his smile widened, I saw past
those good looks and into the spirit of Callahan. He was truly
unlike any man I’d ever met. My stomach flipped at the thought.
Giddy is what my grandmother called it. He made me positively
giddy. I’d never felt that before.
    “ Let me get my jacket,” I
said, bouncing back through the door and down the
    Anthony followed along beside me.
“You’re not falling for this lame attempt at romance, are you? I
didn’t think you were that big of a sucker.”
    “ Buzz off, you pesky
ghost.” I swatted at him.
    “ Oh, so this is how it’s
going to be? As soon as he shows up, I don’t exist.”
    “ Look, Anthony, in most
people’s world you don’t exist, so you’re just going to have to
deal with it.” I grabbed my jacket as Anthony stood there silent,
obviously contemplating my words.
    Thank heavens for small miracles. I
think that was the first time he’d shut his trap since I met
    “ Fine,” he said, from over
my shoulder as I made my way back to the door.
    I knew it was too good to last. He
couldn’t not talk; he must have the last word.
    “ Why can’t you be more like
Callahan?” I asked.
    “ I’ve had it with that
guy,” Anthony fumed.
    I slammed the door in his face before
I heard something else that he’d regret.
    Callahan spread the blanket across the
lawn near a tree in the front yard.
    “ I figured since our date
was cut short last time we tried a picnic, we should have a
do-over,” he said.
    “ I like the way you
    I smiled and he laughed.
    The stars twinkled above as I
stretched out on the blanket. Callahan set the basket
    “ So what’s in there?” I
peeked inside at the contents.
    “ Just a few snacks…cheese,
crackers, and wine.”
    “ Sounds

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