Last Immortal Dragon: Dragon Shifter Romance

Last Immortal Dragon: Dragon Shifter Romance by T. S. Joyce Page B

Book: Last Immortal Dragon: Dragon Shifter Romance by T. S. Joyce Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. S. Joyce
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from his affection to look him in the eyes, he held her tighter in a hug against him. “Stay with me,” he repeated slower and lower.
    “Of course, I will. We’re trying for a baby, remember?”
    “No, I mean after that. I had this awful thought yesterday in the shower. I know it’s wrong, but for a split second, I thought, I hope it takes us a long time to get pregnant.”
    “Damon, don’t put that into the universe.”
    “I know. I know it’s bad. But I know you’ll move to Saratoga with the baby, and I don’t want you to go. I know this is fast, but I don’t want you to leave me. I want to co-parent with you here.”
    “Wait, are you asking me to move in?” she asked, shocked to her bones.
    “No. Yes. I don’t know. I haven’t done this before. I just get this…” Another rattling growl vibrated against her skin, and he crushed her to him harder. “I just get this awful feeling when I think about you living in Saratoga away from me.”
    “Who is possessive now?” she teased.
    With a frown, she whispered, “Hey.” Cupping his cheeks, she lifted his gaze to hers as she eased back. His eyes were silver where they’d been dark just moments ago. “I’m okay. Nothing’s going to hurt me or take me away. It’s not like with Feyadine, okay?”
    Damon searched her eyes, and after a few seconds, the worry that had pooled in his began to fade. He huffed a laugh and rested his forehead against her cheek. “Sorry.”
    “Well, don’t apologize, Dangerous Damon. I like my man a little growly and possessive. And if the offer still stands…”
    “If it still stands, what?” he asked, his deep timbre hopeful.
    “Then yes,” she whispered through a smile. Your mountains already feel like home somehow, anyway. I still don’t want your money, though,” she said, trying her best to look severe and likely failing. “I don’t want to be some kept woman.”
    “Does my wealth make you uncomfortable?”
    “Hell yes. I’ve never had two dimes to rub together. I bet there isn’t even cheap pesticides on that lettuce on my sandwich. It’ll probably taste weird.”
    Damon chuckled against her throat and pressed his lips there, right where her pulse was pounding.
    “Also, I’m never going to wear fancy clothes, so don’t even buy them for me. I won’t change. I’m always going to stick out in this fancy mansion like a sore thumb.”
    “Mmm, that’s not true, and I don’t want to change you, anyway. I like these cheap, threadbare shorts you wear.” He ran his hand up her thigh. “You look sexy as hell walking around my lair looking comfortable. Besides, you’re much easier to access in these.”
    “Our lair now, lover, and I am comfortable. You should try it. I could go to the grocery store in these duds, or I could take a nap in them. The sky’s the limit.”
    Damon leaned forward and kissed her with a hint of tongue. Oooh, sexy dragon. His mouth moved against hers as he deepened the kiss, and in a smooth motion, he unfolded from his chair with her in his arms and strode around his desk toward the door. Good, he was going to take her somewhere more private because she definitely didn’t want to get caught banging while Diem and Harper were in the house. But nope, Damon settled her on her feet and pressed her back against the wooden doors as he locked the deadbolt. Okay then, they would have to be quiet.
    Damon bit her bottom lip and unsnapped the button of her shorts, then slid her bottoms down to her ankles, panties and all. He dropped to his knees and demanded in a whisper, “Take your shirt off.”
    Okie dokie. She yanked her shirt off her head and wiggled out of her bra faster than the snap of a finger, but Damon seemed fine where he was, eye level with her hips. She opened her mouth to ask if something was wrong, but he gripped her legs, leaned forward, and laved his tongue against her sex right at her clit.
    “Ooooh,” she groaned. Quiet. She clamped her teeth on her bottom

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