Last Chance
wrapped around a center, each with a distinct shape. Matthew traced his finger around the shapes and felt that one of them was filled with a hard stone of some type.
    He asked, “Walter, what exactly is this?”
    Connor chimed in before Walter could reply. “It looks like an ugly piece of jewelry.”
    Walter scoffed at Connor’s remark and said, “This is no ordinary piece of jewelry, young man. This is a Power Pendant of Hathmec.”
    Connor asked, “So it is named after the Supreme Leader?”
    Walter pulled the pendant out of Connor’s hand. “Absolutely not! He has named himself after the pendant.”
    April took both of the boys by the hand and said, “Boys, this man has the answers that you’ve both been looking for. You need to let him explain what all of this is about.”
    Connor pulled his hand away from April’s, shook his head, and paced around the small room. “Wait a minute! How do you know about all of this? Do you know this crazy old man?”
    April responded, “He is not a crazy old man, and yes, I have known him for quite a while.”
    Walter walked over to April and grabbed her hand. “She has been a part of the movement for many years.”
    Matthew asked, “What movement? April goes to work every day like everyone else.”
    “Boys, I want to tell you the story of a freedom movement that has been fighting back against Supreme Leader Hathmec for close to two hundred years. In order for you to understand why this movement exists, you must first understand where the Supreme Leader actually comes from.”
    Walter took a seat by one of his workbenches and asked, “Are you willing to listen to this story with an open mind and really search your own minds and hearts to determine its truth?”
    Matthew responded, “Yes, I want to know the truth.”
    Connor rolled his eyes before he responded, “Yeah, let’s hear it.”
    Walter began, “In order to understand where the Supreme Leader comes from, you must first understand that the Hathmec is not of earthly design. The Hathmec is made up of both alien technology and alien physiology. In order to understand it, you must first know how it arrived here and how it got into the hands of the self-appointed Supreme Leader.” Walter Wainright spent the next hour telling the boys and April the story of Liam Liot.
    Liam Liot was an alien traveler from the planet TERAH who was tasked with the job of scouting Earth for intelligent life and determining whether Earth could be used as a planet to inhabit should something ever happen to TERAH. The flight from planet TERAH to Earth took approximately two years to complete, so Liam and his partner-wife, Saras, were placed into a cryogenic sleep for the trip.
    The technology gap between the planet TERAH and Earth was extensive, so this trip was expected to go off without a hitch, but that was not the case. Liam awoke from his cryogenic sleep to discover that his ship had crash-landed in the western portion of North America. Liam checked the ship to discover that his wife, Saras, was killed in the wreck. Her Hathmec pendant had become separated from her during the crash and she had no way to heal from her injuries. Liam was distraught and contemplated ending his life right then and there, but he decided that a good soldier would attempt to complete his mission.
    Liam determined that the ship was beyond repair, so he took what he could from the vessel and made his trek across the country to the nearest inhabited area. Liam had landed in the early 1700s, and there were few people living in the western half of North America at that time. Liam looked like any other person on the planet, but he had the intelligence and technology of a master race of aliens in the Hathmec. The Hathmec gave its wearer a special set of skills, depending on the charms that were linked to it.
    Matthew jumped in with an obvious question. “What do you mean, special set of skills?”
    Walter responded, “I’m glad you asked. Let’s use my Hathmec

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