Last Breath

Last Breath by Rachel Lee Page B

Book: Last Breath by Rachel Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Lee
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past month or so.”
    “Yes, I have. But they were all very vague, Monsignor.”
    “Deliberately so. However, I have called you here today because a serious charge has been leveled against you. I thought, in your interests, that we would keep it just between the two of us for the moment.”
    “You're very kind.” But Brendan's normally somnolent radar was beginning to beep. Loudly.
    “I also want to give you the chance to make a confession. We can work this out, Father. There are programs available to help priests like you.”
    “Like me?” Brendan's heart began to beat faster. “What do you mean?”
    But Crowell chose not to answer directly. “The important thing here is to avoid scandal for the Church. I’m sure you agree with me.”
    Crowell smiled. “I knew you would. We want to handle this as quietly as possible, and help you to regain your spiritual purity.”
    Brendan's heart was still beating rapidly, but now it was beating with anger. “I’m not aware that I’ve compromised my spiritual purity in any significant way, Monsignor.”
    Crowell arched both eyebrows. “Then the situation may be more serious than I thought.”
    Brendan couldn't quite keep a touch of acid out of his voice, although he tried. “It might be very helpful to me if you would tell me what it is I’m supposed to have done.”
    “The Church has many homosexual members, Father. That is of no concern to us as long as these people remain chaste.”
    Brendan began to sense where this was heading. “Monsignor, I am chaste. I have always been chaste. I have never once broken my vow of chastity.”
    “But you may have stretched it a little?” The eyebrows rose again.
    “No. Never.”
    Crowell sighed. “I wish you wouldn't make this difficult for us, Father. We have reports to the contrary.”
    “What reports? From whom?”
    “They were made in confidence.”
    “Of course.” Brendan stood and walked a few steps before turning again to face Crowell. “I repeat, I have never broken my vow of chastity. And I am not gay, not that it should matter, given my vow.”
    “Please sit, Father. I don't care to have you towering over me.”
    Brendan sat, but on the edge of the chair this time.
    “We have,” Crowell continued, “received complaints about your relationship with this young man who was so unfortunately murdered and crucified.”
    “The poison of dirty minds. He was planning to enter the priesthood, and I was guiding him.”
    “Yes, yes. I believe you.” But it was evident that Crowell did not. “However, there was that in your relationship which led some to believe otherwise.”
    “Monsignor, I can't help what others choose to believe.”
    “Yes, you can. You can be more circumspect for one thing.”
    Brendan gritted his teeth, but managed a nod.
    “But to get to the heart of the issue. This morning we had a very disturbing phone call from a man who says that not only were you having an … affair with young King, but that you had one with a young man when you were in the navy. That young man also died under unfortunate circumstances.”
    “What?” Brendan was out of his chair like a shot. “May I remind you, Monsignor, that bearing false witness is a mortal sin?”
    “Calm yourself, Father,” Crowell barked. “And sit.”
    Like a dog, Brendan thought. He was being talked to like a dog. Which Crowell evidently believed he was. He sat, biting his tongue.
    “These are serious charges, Father. The diocese cannot afford to ignore them. In reviewing your file, I note that you did indeed leave the navy very abruptly. Then you went into seclusion for two years.”
    “That was only part of —”
    “Father, hold your tongue. You can deny all of this, but it remains that it looks bad. And the police are asking about your relationship with young King as well. It would be unfortunate for the diocese and the Church if this came out in the papers.”
    Brendan knotted his hands together, biting back words of

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