Lady Alex's Gamble

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Book: Lady Alex's Gamble by Evelyn Richardson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Evelyn Richardson
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance
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was rather uneasy, but she was soon able to read him. By leading her own cards well, she was able to coach him into helping them do quite well for themselves. Well enough, at least, for Nigel to crow sometime later, "It only takes some new blood to make the Goddess of Chance desert you, Reggie."
    "That is because the stakes are so blessed low. Raise 'em to a level that makes a man think and then you'll see what we are made of," his friend replied.
    "Very well, then, one hundred pounds a point, winner take all." Nigel was not about to be shown up by his opponent. 100
    Lady Alex's Gamble
    by Evelyn Richardson
    Alex had a good job of it concealing her dismay, but she managed a laconic nod. Come, my girl, she encouraged herself, this is precisely what you wished to do, challenge your opponents enough to rake in some real winnings. Relax, it is perfect. You already know your opponents; the only thing changed is the stakes, which only works to your advantage. Keeping this little monologue in mind, she was able to accept the cards dealt her with a degree of equanimity. Once she began to examine her hand, she forgot everything as she planned her strategy.
    So intent was she on playing, though she did her best to mask this by lounging in her chair and drooping her eyelids, that she was completely unconscious of the little crowd that, attracted by the rise in stakes, had slowly formed around them. It was not until Nigel laid down his last cards with a bewildered shake of his head, pronouncing disgustedly,
    "Damn me if I can see how this happened, why I had a hand
    ... Dame Fortune is kind to you young rustics. But just wait until you have been on the town awhile, sirrah, she'll be as hard on you as she is on the rest of us," that Alex looked up and saw that they had an audience.
    And there among them, his gaze fixed intently on her, was Major Lord Wrotham. He smiled and greeted Alex pleasantly enough, but that did nothing to allay the uncomfortable suspicion that he had been observing her very carefully for quite some time.
    Though it was not quite her place to invite him, Alex decided to seize the bull by the horns. If he suspected her of cheating, or whatever he suspected her of, it was time to 101
    Lady Alex's Gamble
    by Evelyn Richardson
    prove him wrong. "Will you not join us. Major?" She indicated the place vacated by the disillusioned Nigel. An appreciative smile tugged at the corners of Christopher's mouth. So the lad knew he was being watched, did he? He was as clever as the major was beginning to think he was, and bold too, to challenge him so quickly. De Montmorency must be very sure of his card-playing skills—
    either that, or he was very cleverly employing marked cards. But Christopher's innate sense of character told him that the young man with the auburn hair, bright green eyes, and determined chin, who was now regarding him with just a hint of wariness, was not the sort to profit by dishonest means. No, if the major knew his man, and he usually did, this one was confident of himself and his abilities, and he was set on proving them in the most demanding of situations. "Why, thank you, I shall, if the others agree." There was a general nod. The major sat down and the cards were dealt. Almost the moment the play began, Wrotham knew he was up against an opponent who was very good indeed. The lad never seemed to give an obvious lead, but that was the very skill of it. Even though Christopher was alerted to this, he was still surprised when the game ended in de Montmorency's favor. The second game the major and his partner most definitely lost because Wrotham was more intent on studying his opponent's play than on his own.
    The man seemed less intent on taking the individual tricks than on winning the entire game. Something of a veteran, both of the Peninsula and the card table, Christopher could recognize and appreciate a master plan. A connoisseur of 102
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    by Evelyn Richardson
    strategy, he knew he was

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