our lesson today could take the form of a story then? You talk, and we’ll listen.”
Saara’s eyes widened in confusion. ["You wish to hear one of my people’s stories?"]
Yu chimed in. “Of course. We want to hear everything you have to say... Everything we can learn from you is something valuable for us. Stories are an important transmitter of cultural values. It is from your stories that we can judge you, much as you have no doubt judged us.”
Saara seemed impressed, but her eyes flicked cautiously to the watching marines. Nevertheless, she seemed to smile with her eyes, more than her lips, her ears perking up.
["Perhaps you would hear the story of our greatest treasure, then.
["Back before our people united under a single cause, we were fractured, warlike, quarrelsome people who grouped in nation-states and fought constantly with our own kind. The hills of the Kaater Mountains, they say, saw so much fighting that they were forever stained the colour of dried blood.
["Eventually, as these things tend to do, the strongest of all the armies, the Neralan, broke through the battle lines and pressed on through the defender’s homelands. They were intent on plundering and pillaging, and the stories they heard as they moved through the ruined townships near the battle lines excited them to no end. Tales of Evarel‘s most beautiful and most precious treasure, held by the Autiellans.
["The more they heard about this treasure, the more they desired it. Moving beyond the barren wastelands of the battlefield and into the lush, fertile farmland of Autiella, whose armies were broken and no longer able to defend their land, they heard little else. Eager for conquest, and with their bloodlust stoked to a roaring flame, the Neralanese wanted the treasure... and at first they tried the direct approach.
["The first village the Neralanese raided was slaughtered save a single survivor. When they interrogated her, she told them that the treasure had previously been there, yes, but was there no longer... The village over the mountain had it. She would say no more despite their best efforts, so they executed her and moved on.
["The second village they raided, the one over the mountain, was more carefully planned. In a lightning raid, the farmhouses were torched and the entire population of villagers rounded up and captured. But these Autiellans too insisted that the treasure had fled the village when the Neralanese arrived. Once again, the Autiellans would not say what the treasure was. But looking around them at their fertile lands, happy and fat citizens, and many children, the Neralanese reasoned it must be powerful indeed.
["Executing the population of the second village and moving on, the Neralanese took even more care with their next raid; it was conducted under the cover of darkness, and the Autiellan guards were disabled by darts filled with sleeping poison. It looked as though this raid, like the last, would be a success... but the Neralanese had driven too far into Autiellan territory. As the main army approached the village, seemingly unopposed, the Autiellans’ reserves sprung their ambush and the surprised Neralanese were butchered.
["The leader of the Neralanese was bought before the Autiellans and, in a voice approaching that of madness, he asked the Autiellans if the treasure was in this village. They responded that it was. Before her execution, she was asked if she had any last requests – the leader said that she wanted to know what the treasure was.
["The Autiellans explained that the greatest treasure their people could ever have... was peace. It had brought them bountiful crops and happy lives. Some say the Neralanese leader realized the folly of her actions before she was executed, while others insist that she went to her grave cursing and spitting at the Autiellans for their ‘lies’. What is certain, though, is that the Neralanese never invaded Autiella again."]
Liao could barely believe that the
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Covert Warriors
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