lunged for it.
    He chuckled, and right when she thought he’d kiss her, he leaned in and ran his lips across her forehead. “I have power over you ? I can’t even tell you what it does to me to see you react like this—to want to be near me—want to touch me at all.”
    Her cheeks heated, and she stared at him with a lazy smile. “Really?”
    “I already told you—I never lie, and you, clever girl, have a way of making me damn near close to being speechless and breathless. That’s quite a talent you have.”
    He tugged on her hand, pulling them toward the beach.
    “Story time—listen carefully, because I don’t know if I’ll be able to say this more than once.” He squinted once the sun hit their faces, and he turned them away from the harsh rays. The sun wasn’t quite setting yet, but it would be soon, and there was something about a day ending, with him at her side, that heated her insides into a smooth, silky feeling.
    “I don’t know if you remember the first time we met four years ago, but I remember it better than anything that’s ever happened to me,” he began.
    She nodded and squeezed his hand to encourage him to continue.
    “You were wearing this black little dress, and your legs went on forever in those matching black strappy heels. I was caught up in how sexy you were right away, but I could’ve gotten past that. I was with another woman, and she and I got along great. But then Pono introduced us, and the second I shook your hand, there was this heat between us—like a spark of something dormant inside me came to life. You smiled, spoke with the softest, sexiest voice I’ve ever heard. And then when Pono left you to go get drinks for both of you, I was taken aback at how readily you followed my lead. I gripped the back of your elbow, led you over to the table where my date was and chose where you sat. You were so comfortable with my touch right away that I wanted more.”
    She swallowed, and her steps slowed a little. Could they walk this beach forever? The low, sensual timber of his voice had her so aroused she was free-flowing between her thighs.
    Breathe—in and out, Jeanie, like the waves.
    Tide comes in—washes it all away.
    Only nothing was being washed clean with her.
    The more he spoke, the dirtier she felt, only she wanted to stay dirty with him. And he wasn’t even saying anything naughty— yet .
    Would he?
    God, her heart clenched and filled with hope.
    What was wrong with her that she wanted him to talk dirty to her? Somehow, she knew he could say things without reservation most men wouldn’t dare speak.
    She stared at the breaking waves on the beach, trying to scrub her mind clean.
    “I sat you next to my date, and you were polite, listened to her attentively, but every time I spoke, you almost jumped to attention. You didn’t even seem to notice that I watched your every eyelash flutter. Within seconds, I knew you were hungry, saw what food you were eyeing, and I ordered you a meal. Not once did you give me a dirty look, but my date did—several times.”
    “Foooohhhhhh,” she exhaled long and slow—slower than the eventual setting sun.
    Her insides were bursting with riotous sensations because not only were his words inciting her to a frenzy inside, but his free hand was drifting up and down her arm, making it burst into inseparable chills from each motion and each sound he made.
    “You kept looking over at me while you ate, as if for permission or feedback. I’d nod, and you’d dig in. It was the oddest thing—the way you were synced to me almost immediately. And when Pono returned, it didn’t seem to matter.”
    “Did he notice?”
    “No. He had his drink, ordered his own plate of food and he started joking around with the other guys at the table. You were gracious with him, and at one point, not only did you lean over and refill his glass with the pitcher of beer on the table, but you looked to me, I nodded and you filled mine as well. All

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