“Work is still okay with you taking time off? Who cares if they’re not? You’ve got more than enough money.”
“No. They’re still fine. I’ve been doing some things from my computer, and the woman they hired around the same time as me as back-up has been a major help.” She really had. Even if Brooke had little experience, she was a warm body in the office, and she followed my instructions superbly.
We’d hosted a few conferences together before I’d left, and she had done excellent with the few proms she’d booked that spring in my absence. What I’d been focused on the most was marketing and improving our advertising. I had a few tricks I was using that had worked well in California.
“I like my job, Mom.” This was where we butted heads. Money.
“I’m only saying, you’d be fine. Did you find an apartment?” I heard the flick of her lighter. I could picture her on the back deck of her log cabin, smoking her after dinner Virginia Slim.
“I did. They’re letting me move in next week. I’ll only have to stay at the hotel a few nights.” I was picking my keys up the following Monday. My stuff wouldn’t be there until later in the week, but I could make due. “How’s James?” I asked, but then I took a minute to make sure that was the right name.
“Oh, he’s fine, sweetie. Did I tell you he bought me a Mercedes?”
I rolled my eyes. Then lied, “Yeah, I think so. Hey listen, I have a lot of packing to do. Call you in a few weeks when things get a little more normal?”
“Yeah, sure. Of course. How about this summer we take a trip, sweetie? Go to a spa or something fabulous.” What she meant was, she wanted to go away to a spa, and she thought it was nice to invite me so I’d pay.
When I’d been put in charge of my father’s estate a few years ago, she’d called a lot more, then as time went on and nothing changed, it wore off. Now that he was dead, she’d probably be calling again.
Hell, she might even divorce James now that her daughter could support her for the rest of her life. I wouldn’t put it past her.
“I’ll think about it. I still have to make a few more trips to Switzerland this year. So I’ll have to wait and see.”
“Oh, you do? I thought all of that would be straightened out by now.”
“For the meantime it is, but it takes a while to sort out so much. And I’m giving a lot of it to Joel and Robin.” I shouldn’t have mentioned that part.
“Oh, Nora. Why would you do that? If your father had wanted them to have it, he would have given it to them. What’s wrong with you?” I could hear the disdain in her voice. She loved money. She loved men. She really loved keeping half their money when they split.
I don’t know how she did it, but I didn’t feel sorry for them anymore. Hello, prenup.
“I did it because it’s mine to do with as I please, and they have families. Children. And it is what’s fair. I’m having a lot of things sold, and then we’ll divide the properties and assets. I’m not arguing with you about it.” I threw a box of mac and cheese into the trash a little harder than was necessary.
I hoped that was the last time I’d have to say it. I was tired of people second guessing me. Even my brothers had been shocked. They probably assumed I was up to something.
I didn’t need that much money. Hell, a small country didn’t need that much money.
“Okay, okay. I’m sorry. Call me soon, sweetie.”
I leaned my head against the door to the cabinet I was beside with a thud. “I will.”
“I love you, Nora. You know that right?”
Sometimes I didn’t know if she meant it, but then I’d feel so guilty for thinking it. She was my mother.
“I love you, too, Mom. Bye,” I said and hung up. I should have let it go to voicemail and started on the refrigerator. Everything was so much work.
I was ready to be settled in Chicago and moved already.
Reggie—Monday, June 23, 2008
I t was finally the week she was
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