got in charge that’s what would happen to us.”
“I agree with that. Okay, I need to rest. Thank you Tracie. For your help and your counsel.” She smiled touched my shoulder gently before leaving.
So, the question is… How do we integrate the groups into one group without losing control? I had no idea. These are not problems that a tour guide normally has to deal with. I was pondering this problem when sleep took me.
“Boss Man, hey Boss Man.”
“I’m up.” I wasn’t.
“It’s chilly under the casemates. Let’s get you out in the sun.
It looked like the gang was all here around the fire beginning lunch. Mike put a Coke in my hand and I took my time popping it open and drinking deeply. Everyone was looking at me when I finished. You could taste the anxiety. I distinctly felt like if I said the wrong thing here, well, then God help me.
“I think we need the help that Captain Rendina’s group represents. But, I don’t want two groups living under the same roof. So, I need ideas on how we can integrate the two groups.”
The discussion was spirited at times but some good ideas came out of it.
When we were done. I put my snipers back on the top of the casemates, popped a painkiller and started out towards the boats with Tony, Mike, Tom and John. Captain Rendina met us on the dock with the same men as before.
“Captain, we agree on principle that your group move onto the fort. But, we have some concerns.”
“Go on.”
“The biggest concern is how to integrate the two groups once inside the fort. We do not want two groups in there, we want one. We can’t afford to get into an ‘Us vs Them’ type scenario.”
“I agree, Mr. Knight. You’ll be in charge. I just need a spot on your counsel to look after the interests of my people.”
“But that’s just what I’m talking about. They won’t be ‘your’ people, they’ll be ‘our’ people. We will all be one big group with the one common interest of survival.”
“I see your point. I just do not want these people on the boat to feel like second class citizens.”
“As we speak, the other members of the group are re arranging the sleeping sites so there’s room for everyone. And they’re all mixed together so there’s a feeling of family. One group. Everyone welcome.”
“Thank you, Mr. Knight. That makes it sound like you’ve put some thought into this. How should we proceed?”
“For starters, I’m Ryan.” I stuck my hand out like we were meeting for the first time. He took it.
“I’m Ron.”
“Nice to meet you, Ron. Permission to come aboard so we can meet the rest of our group?”
“Sure, I’ll help you.”
We spent the rest of the day unloading the boat and getting the newcomers situated and shown around. With the new supplies and new people a lot of organizing was needed. A proper inventory was scheduled for the next day. A new watch schedule incorporated everyone.
Ron had some good suggestions. The decision was made to make a list of everyone at the fort. A census of sorts. It would include their occupation before the zombie apocalypse to make it easier to put the most qualified person on a task. And medical info would ensure we always knew what prescription medications to be on the lookout for.
Other suggestions weren’t received as well.
“We are not going to start locking everything up,” Mike yelled as he stood. “This is not a military base.”
I raised my hand to appeal for calm.
“Ron, make your case.”
“With limited resources and the difficulty in reaching them, the prudent thing is to make sure that what we have is secure. We don’t want anyone hoarding to the
Ian McDonald
Carole Mortimer
Adelina St. Clair
Lisa Marie
Sara Humphreys
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Frank Ahrens
Shelby Hearon
Caprice Crane
Julia Álvarez