Kinky Girls Do ~ Bundle One
drew me to him, the way he filled out his uniform as he walked down
the street, so confident in himself and his abilities. This last
two years, it just got better, until,” her voice broke off
    A few moments of awkward silence filled the room as
Yvette struggled to continue, and found herself unable to.
    "How do you feel about it now, when he touches you?
When he's covering your body, driving into you?"
    Yvette fought the flinch. "I love him. I trust him,
and I try to not remember what happened. I tell myself that the
rape had nothing to do with sex, it was all about power. With
Brett, it’s about power to some degree, but it is more about love
and feeling close to each other, being intimate on the most basic
    "But sometimes…" She knew she was being led, but the
soft voice only encouraged her to open up.
    "Sometimes, especially when's he's really horny, he
pins me to a wall, trapping me. I get a little light headed for a
moment, but it feels so good. His strength, his love, his body
pressed against mine. God Doc, I used to love it so much when he'd
chase me around the house, sometimes out into the yard, and pin me
down and slowly make love to me, holding me trapped beneath him."
She paused, trying vainly to remain calm. "So I'm sick. Is that
what you wanted to hear? I had rape fantasies before I was raped."
She could hear the defensiveness to her words, but couldn't stop
    Unperturbed, her therapist leaned forward, her voice
still as calm and even as before. "First, Yvette, you're not sick.
There's a difference between forced seduction, or even a need to
submit sexually, which is what you have with your husband, and what
that sick monster did when he raped you. Secondly, it is healthy to
have fantasies and to explore them. Him tying you up and making
love to you, claiming your body in an intense seduction is healthy.
Especially given his career field, him being able to control you
sexually, to feel your response to his dominance over you, is
something he probably needs too."
    Yvette nodded, feeling shaky but beginning to
understand what her therapist was trying to get to. "So what I want
with him is forced seduction?"
    Her therapist nodded. "Exactly.
Just like many of the romance novels out on the market, where the
heroine wants the hero, but either likes to be coerced or simply
feels secure enough to give in to the need to submit. Rape is where
she has no power in the situation, where it is forced upon her with
no way out. It's completely different, in forced seduction or even
sexual submission there is an illusion of control that your husband
has, but it all rests with   you .
With your husband, all you have to do is say no, and I am sure he
will pull back. Ultimately, you hold all of the power."
    Yvette nodded. "Yes," she whispered. "When we first
started playing with spanking, it got too intense, and I told him
to stop. He did, and then spent the next twenty minutes kissing
every red spot on my ass. It was delicious, almost more so than the
spanking. I loved laying there over his lap, letting him kiss and
caress me. One of his hands rested on the small of my back, holding
me still."
    The session continued for another twenty minutes and
by the end of it Yvette felt rung out, but also relieved. It had
taken some doing, but she thought she was ready for when her
husband got home on leave in two days. She was going to explore
their fantasy, and at the same time, discover if she truly was a
sexual submissive. After the last few sessions with her therapist,
Yvette was coming to see that Brett had been holding back—and so
had she.
    * * *
    Two days later, she was dressed in a lace gown over a
set of pink underwear, waiting by the door when she heard the taxi
cab pull up. The sound of heavy boots thumping on the porch
announced him moments before the door swung open. As was their
custom, he tossed his bag on the floor, swept her into his arms,
and kicked the door shut, holding her tight

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